Your wise thoughts are not as long as they are substantial. Worried Frens might get inspired by them as I am. You are a moderate Crusader, fighting the odds with all of your resources and them your divine inspiration, being an example instead of the usual whiner.
If people don’t want to read from you, or for me, let’s just advise them not to take it personally and move on to whatever they prefer.
Dear Mary,
Your wise thoughts are not as long as they are substantial. Worried Frens might get inspired by them as I am. You are a moderate Crusader, fighting the odds with all of your resources and them your divine inspiration, being an example instead of the usual whiner.
If people don’t want to read from you, or for me, let’s just advise them not to take it personally and move on to whatever they prefer.
God bless our friendship, Sister.🙏🏻