Yo satan is fucking over his side constantly research admiral byrds journal the fallen angels have been making people believe that the illuminati has gone rogue for a long time now its all about setting up the alien disclosure endgame / post human future for humanity to think human beings aomehow wrestled away power from them is just unbiblical u have to understand they are thousands of years ahead and have time machine lol even the nazis were working on them. This is just too big to understand ao they call peoppe names lol
Yo satan is fucking over his side constantly research admiral byrds journal the fallen angels have been making people believe that the illuminati has gone rogue for a long time now its all about setting up the alien disclosure endgame / post human future for humanity to think human beings aomehow wrestled away power from them is just unbiblical u have to understand they are thousands of years ahead and have time machine lol even the nazis were working on them. This is just too big to understand ao they call peoppe names lol