It's been standard operating procedure in some fields for a long time. Climate science was compromised quite publicly over a decade ago. Prominent scientists at the UK Meteorology Office were caught in the Climategate email scandal discussion how to create fully fake data that would match their globull warming theory. They openly discussed statistical manipulation.
The Australian equivalent has been engaged full force in doing this since at least 2013. That year, they moved from paper records to digital records and in the process, instead of preserving the paper records, they destroyed them. Now the data get manipulated with each new release of the data set. Each time, the past cools and the present warms. They're literally creating a trend line to show warming out of thin air.
NASA's GISS has been caught doing the same thing, and again, it goes back at least a decade and has been progressing incrementally. All of those "hottest year evAR!" headlines are based on fake data. All of those images of a red-hot globe, all fake.
And medicine is hardly immune. One simply needs to look at the class action lawsuits filed against major pharma manufacturers about the side effects of their drugs. They've been lying about the safety and efficacy of their drugs for decades. We know that because many of their "landmark" clinical trials can't be reproduced.
Whenever you hear "trust the Science™," just remember there's some professor somewhere trying like hell to keep his professorship and speaking contracts, keep his fame and access to all the right social circles, and keep his astonishingly high income.
Manipulation of data. That was once seriously rejected by scientists.
It's been standard operating procedure in some fields for a long time. Climate science was compromised quite publicly over a decade ago. Prominent scientists at the UK Meteorology Office were caught in the Climategate email scandal discussion how to create fully fake data that would match their globull warming theory. They openly discussed statistical manipulation.
The Australian equivalent has been engaged full force in doing this since at least 2013. That year, they moved from paper records to digital records and in the process, instead of preserving the paper records, they destroyed them. Now the data get manipulated with each new release of the data set. Each time, the past cools and the present warms. They're literally creating a trend line to show warming out of thin air.
NASA's GISS has been caught doing the same thing, and again, it goes back at least a decade and has been progressing incrementally. All of those "hottest year evAR!" headlines are based on fake data. All of those images of a red-hot globe, all fake.
And medicine is hardly immune. One simply needs to look at the class action lawsuits filed against major pharma manufacturers about the side effects of their drugs. They've been lying about the safety and efficacy of their drugs for decades. We know that because many of their "landmark" clinical trials can't be reproduced.
Whenever you hear "trust the Science™," just remember there's some professor somewhere trying like hell to keep his professorship and speaking contracts, keep his fame and access to all the right social circles, and keep his astonishingly high income.
Thanks. Great statements. "Science" has become just another slush fund.