Of course he was the issue. That’s my entire point. People who use porn see others as objects to use. My dad was towards the extreme end but he is still a valid example of how someone needs more and more and more until not even that is enough. This is also what makes a cheater a cheater. Their wife or husband’s feelings don’t matter to them. Only their next fix does whether with porn or a lover. They may not be full sociopath levels but the addiction is still there as is the propensity to not care about other human beings, including those on film.
Hey I was laughing off YOUR attack. If my weak comeback was enough to hurt your feelings then I doubt you’d be able to handle Jesus using choice words like “brood of vipers”. Jesus wasn’t always nicey nicey. I stand bu my words, which were far kinder than you deserved.
I also find it ironic that you accuse me of man hating when I call Jesus my Lord and God my Father. I must’ve hit close to home for you to react that way. And I know why. You want to justify your sin. So you attack the messenger. You’re only attacking Jesus by attacking me. Please repent for your own sake. Jesus will cleanse you of your sin if you confess it rather than defend it.
BTW maybe you got confused on these boards when people refer to being red pilled. You are at a Q board, you see, not an MRA board. That means you will meet a lot of Christians here who won’t put up with your hatred. You are no better than the radical feminists. You hate and you divide. Jesus unites. “They want us divided”—remember? I pray you find a true Great Awakening in Jesus. And yes I will be praying for you even if you hate me for being female. Forgive and you will be forgiven.
I believe it’s you who are confused about many things. First, I love my God. Second, I love women, who were created by Him. Third, I know where I am, I’ve been in this community FAR longer than you have. Lastly, you’re confused about what godly love is, because it’s not what you show. You call me a viper, but you spit nothing but venom while putting on a smile.
I think we’re done here handshake account. Be on your way
I didn’t call you a viper. You’re twisting my words. Read again. Venom? You told me to go to my safe space. You started the attack. I shined truth. You think truth is venom. Medicine can sting but it heals. Repent of your porn usage. I don’t know what fake God you’re worshiping but it isn’t Jesus. And yes I’ll be on my way. I will pray for you as promised.
Tell it to the women you ogle while watching your pornos. Tell them how much you care for their souls and want them to know Jesus. You know it’s wrong. You what Jesus teaches. One day He will say to you, “You ogled me while I was naked and being degraded.” And you will ask, “When did I do such a thing, Lord?” I think you know how the rest of that conversation goes. I hope you come to your senses and never end up having it.
Of course he was the issue. That’s my entire point. People who use porn see others as objects to use. My dad was towards the extreme end but he is still a valid example of how someone needs more and more and more until not even that is enough. This is also what makes a cheater a cheater. Their wife or husband’s feelings don’t matter to them. Only their next fix does whether with porn or a lover. They may not be full sociopath levels but the addiction is still there as is the propensity to not care about other human beings, including those on film.
Hey I was laughing off YOUR attack. If my weak comeback was enough to hurt your feelings then I doubt you’d be able to handle Jesus using choice words like “brood of vipers”. Jesus wasn’t always nicey nicey. I stand bu my words, which were far kinder than you deserved.
I also find it ironic that you accuse me of man hating when I call Jesus my Lord and God my Father. I must’ve hit close to home for you to react that way. And I know why. You want to justify your sin. So you attack the messenger. You’re only attacking Jesus by attacking me. Please repent for your own sake. Jesus will cleanse you of your sin if you confess it rather than defend it.
BTW maybe you got confused on these boards when people refer to being red pilled. You are at a Q board, you see, not an MRA board. That means you will meet a lot of Christians here who won’t put up with your hatred. You are no better than the radical feminists. You hate and you divide. Jesus unites. “They want us divided”—remember? I pray you find a true Great Awakening in Jesus. And yes I will be praying for you even if you hate me for being female. Forgive and you will be forgiven.
I believe it’s you who are confused about many things. First, I love my God. Second, I love women, who were created by Him. Third, I know where I am, I’ve been in this community FAR longer than you have. Lastly, you’re confused about what godly love is, because it’s not what you show. You call me a viper, but you spit nothing but venom while putting on a smile.
I think we’re done here handshake account. Be on your way
I didn’t call you a viper. You’re twisting my words. Read again. Venom? You told me to go to my safe space. You started the attack. I shined truth. You think truth is venom. Medicine can sting but it heals. Repent of your porn usage. I don’t know what fake God you’re worshiping but it isn’t Jesus. And yes I’ll be on my way. I will pray for you as promised.
Clanging symbols.
Tell it to the women you ogle while watching your pornos. Tell them how much you care for their souls and want them to know Jesus. You know it’s wrong. You what Jesus teaches. One day He will say to you, “You ogled me while I was naked and being degraded.” And you will ask, “When did I do such a thing, Lord?” I think you know how the rest of that conversation goes. I hope you come to your senses and never end up having it.