I didn’t call you a viper. You’re twisting my words. Read again. Venom? You told me to go to my safe space. You started the attack. I shined truth. You think truth is venom. Medicine can sting but it heals. Repent of your porn usage. I don’t know what fake God you’re worshiping but it isn’t Jesus. And yes I’ll be on my way. I will pray for you as promised.
Tell it to the women you ogle while watching your pornos. Tell them how much you care for their souls and want them to know Jesus. You know it’s wrong. You what Jesus teaches. One day He will say to you, “You ogled me while I was naked and being degraded.” And you will ask, “When did I do such a thing, Lord?” I think you know how the rest of that conversation goes. I hope you come to your senses and never end up having it.
Interesting in all this you assume I watch porn. I don’t actually. I’ve only been making the argument that porn is a symptom of a problem, not the problem. Yet in all this you’ve done nothing but judge me, while pretending to be a pious Christian. You have very little Christ in you and a lot of judgment
Well how the heck am I supposed to know when you make excuses for people viewing porn? We have people in this thread defending its usage who admit they view it. What else am I to think? I just watched you blame my mother for my father’s porn use. Innocent spouses getting blamed for the other spouses porn use gets old.
You wouldn’t like it if you found out your wife was viewing porn on the side, would you? It would hurt you deeply wouldn’t it? By your own logic that would mean you weren’t satisfying her enough and it’s your fault, or , no, maybe some bogey feminist’s fault.
I’m sorry I misjudged you. But remember you also misjudged me first just because I disagreed with you. Rather than conceding that actual cases of innocent spouses exist you then attacked my mom. Who is also a Christian. You showed her zero compassion. I’ve seen the aftermath of porn usage in my own home and it had zippo to do with feminists or my mom not trying hard enough. That was my point. It’s a heart issue plain and simple. You know, like Jesus said it was. Out of the heart comes… But I suppose you side with Adam in that it’s all Eve’s fault? Where is personal responsibility?
Next time you want to have a reasonable conversation/debate please refrain from ad hominem attacks on the person you’re debating. Clanging symbols, right? And if you don’t want to be mistaken for a porn addict then for crying out loud quit making excuses for porn addicts. And yes I’m sorry I wasn’t a perfect little teddy bear in response to your ad hominem attacks.
The irony is I was up last night actually praying for you! I’m sure you’ll get a good laugh out of that. I deserve it ok. Now can we please chalk it up to a misunderstanding of each other and move on? I’m your sister in the Lord and you’re my brother. I’m sorry I thought you were a porn addict. I’m going to crawl under a rock and die now. 😂
I didn’t call you a viper. You’re twisting my words. Read again. Venom? You told me to go to my safe space. You started the attack. I shined truth. You think truth is venom. Medicine can sting but it heals. Repent of your porn usage. I don’t know what fake God you’re worshiping but it isn’t Jesus. And yes I’ll be on my way. I will pray for you as promised.
Clanging symbols.
Tell it to the women you ogle while watching your pornos. Tell them how much you care for their souls and want them to know Jesus. You know it’s wrong. You what Jesus teaches. One day He will say to you, “You ogled me while I was naked and being degraded.” And you will ask, “When did I do such a thing, Lord?” I think you know how the rest of that conversation goes. I hope you come to your senses and never end up having it.
Interesting in all this you assume I watch porn. I don’t actually. I’ve only been making the argument that porn is a symptom of a problem, not the problem. Yet in all this you’ve done nothing but judge me, while pretending to be a pious Christian. You have very little Christ in you and a lot of judgment
Well how the heck am I supposed to know when you make excuses for people viewing porn? We have people in this thread defending its usage who admit they view it. What else am I to think? I just watched you blame my mother for my father’s porn use. Innocent spouses getting blamed for the other spouses porn use gets old.
You wouldn’t like it if you found out your wife was viewing porn on the side, would you? It would hurt you deeply wouldn’t it? By your own logic that would mean you weren’t satisfying her enough and it’s your fault, or , no, maybe some bogey feminist’s fault.
I’m sorry I misjudged you. But remember you also misjudged me first just because I disagreed with you. Rather than conceding that actual cases of innocent spouses exist you then attacked my mom. Who is also a Christian. You showed her zero compassion. I’ve seen the aftermath of porn usage in my own home and it had zippo to do with feminists or my mom not trying hard enough. That was my point. It’s a heart issue plain and simple. You know, like Jesus said it was. Out of the heart comes… But I suppose you side with Adam in that it’s all Eve’s fault? Where is personal responsibility?
Next time you want to have a reasonable conversation/debate please refrain from ad hominem attacks on the person you’re debating. Clanging symbols, right? And if you don’t want to be mistaken for a porn addict then for crying out loud quit making excuses for porn addicts. And yes I’m sorry I wasn’t a perfect little teddy bear in response to your ad hominem attacks.
The irony is I was up last night actually praying for you! I’m sure you’ll get a good laugh out of that. I deserve it ok. Now can we please chalk it up to a misunderstanding of each other and move on? I’m your sister in the Lord and you’re my brother. I’m sorry I thought you were a porn addict. I’m going to crawl under a rock and die now. 😂