I’ve been on a tear looking for a new job, because the agency I’ve thrived at for 15 years won’t allow me to attend an off-site meeting (at a restaurant) because I’m vax free. Evidently, my dedication and loyalty has lost its effect, and time for me to move on.
But then I see a variety of companies seeking employees who can help with “growth hacking”, and I’m like okay they just want to scale faster, who doesn’t, right? But job post after job post, I keep seeing this reference to growth hacking, so this morning I’m finally like wtf and look into it.
These fuckers effectively want to take fewer resources to produce more results... Now, I’m a VP of Creative Operations, MBA, blah blah blah - I know a thing or two about standard operating procedures, quality controls, etc. The reason I’m even looking for a job right now is because the current ship is sinking, people are leaving in droves or they keep getting sick. Work is piling up, and knuckleheads continue to overpromise clients.
So I believe a lot of these “growth hacking” companies are simply trying to get more out of us, but for less to them? Great reset, much?
Y’know, I was reading scripture this morning, and there was a passage about the body and how all of its parts are important—without a nose we can’t smell, without eyes we can’t see, etc. No matter how insignificant we think a part may be, it has a purpose contributing to the one body. Similarly, I ponder what my purpose is, sometimes.
Perhaps one way to combat this great reset is to become entrepreneurs. To stop relying on others, and begin to lead in business. At least, perhaps, that’s my purpose now, instead of reading through all this growth hacker bullshit.
Anyhow, thanks for reading, Godspeed, and may justice come soon!
Hi friend, I'm a "growth hacker." Although that word has been corrupted to mean scam artist.
Growth consultants focus on revenue growth. Not lead generation. They combine marketing and sales functions and usually structure contacts to receive a percent of revenue growth (vs % of ad spend or commission on leads).
This trend happened in part because traditional marketing agencies will sometimes claim to drive revenue, when in fact they simply provide marketing. They will build a website, run ads, or generate leads. But they don't ensure the leads are converting and they don't care about the company's bottom line.
Not all marketing agencies do this. But many did.
This is why more companies are looking for "growth hackers" who will help produce revenue vs marketing collateral or junk leads.
Hope that helps!