You need zinc with ivermectin. As Dr Zelenco says, ivermectin is the gun and zinc is the bullet. It's possible your zinc levels were low. Vit D also helps your immune response.
The mAbs aren't the vaccine though, they are just immune system antibodies that help your body fight the virus.
They won't have the same adverse effects as the vaccines.
I was taking the full Zelenko protocol and still got whammied. My vitamin D levels were 75 in autumn when I got it. May have just gotten the short stick.
Hoping you’re right about the mAbs; my concern arose once WHO added sotrovimab to its list of recommended treatments…they never recommend anything good.
Sorry to hear that, dude. Glad you got through it though.
Did you start the Zelenco protocol early in the infection? It's main purpose is to stop the replication of the virus to allow your immune system to take it out.
It's also possible that your immune system is low for other reasons.
You need zinc with ivermectin. As Dr Zelenco says, ivermectin is the gun and zinc is the bullet. It's possible your zinc levels were low. Vit D also helps your immune response.
The mAbs aren't the vaccine though, they are just immune system antibodies that help your body fight the virus.
They won't have the same adverse effects as the vaccines.
I was taking the full Zelenko protocol and still got whammied. My vitamin D levels were 75 in autumn when I got it. May have just gotten the short stick.
Hoping you’re right about the mAbs; my concern arose once WHO added sotrovimab to its list of recommended treatments…they never recommend anything good.
Sorry to hear that, dude. Glad you got through it though.
Did you start the Zelenco protocol early in the infection? It's main purpose is to stop the replication of the virus to allow your immune system to take it out.
It's also possible that your immune system is low for other reasons.
But I'm glad you made it through, fren.
Yep, was taking D/immune support proactively. Upped the doses when I tested positive.
Some people seem to just not respond as well. It’s also possible I wasn’t taking enough horse paste/misjudged the dosing. C’est la vie.
Thanks, fren. Me too.