In my opinion, the biggest elephant in the room in the drops is our financial system. Yes, there is a good bit about the old system will collapse and a new gold standard established but, it has not been directly revealed how that transition will take place without severe collateral damage. The military and public awakening will provide physical security but how could this transition take place without millions of innocents having their life savings and businesses severely damaged. It is a very complicated system and fragile, really. All of of 401ks are invested in cabal corps. All of our house notes are with cabal banks. Our liquidity is in the cabal reserve note.
There is a reason why we weren’t told exactly how this happens. I don’t know the plan but here are a few thoughts on this that I haven’t seen:
I believe there is a plan in place to execute this transition with minimal collateral damage. I believe it will be Biblical in many respects. There will be justice for sure and I think that includes financial justice.
Just like the vax - the plan offers some blanket protection but it is up to us to make an informed and Holy Spirit inspired decision that will determine how our lives look on the other side. I decided not to get vaxxed and I’m making provisions that I believe will help me not only preserve but also grow wealth through the transition.
Part of the plan is to reallocate the stolen wealth of the cabal to make innocent people whole and public infrastructure enhancements. I believe it will be 2 part: blanket reallocation and per case.
Trump Media IPO is significant because if he executes the SPAC IPO with DWAC on this side of the transition it gives me a good deal of confidence in continuing to invest in good non-cabal companies.
The #1 reason for a delay in the Hammer Drop is slow public awakening. #2 I believe is the need for financial traps to mature. I believe one of the most top secret aspects of the plan is dealing with the markets and finance. Trump level 4D traps have been set and the bait is almost down the hatch.
I am not a financial genius (I’m confident that is obvious.) I’m just struck by the lack of discussion in drops and chans on the financial aspect. I believe it was purposely kept separate from the Q movement. That movement is #wallstreetbets. Something is cooking there. I haven’t been on there in months but that movement is causing the cabal to behave differently in the markets. If I know Trump, he will use that reaction to force them into his traps.
I like your thinking on all of this!
especially #2.