It finally clicked. "Nothing can stop what is coming" because "the plan" is actually the Deep State's plan that was hijacked. Without Q, citizens were all meant to be energized towards the Antifa mentality and help tear down America from the inside out to set the stage for a globalist communist style government. We were meant to lose our pride, denounce our own citizenship and be ashamed of our country. The stolen election was supposed to make us even more angry and despise our own homeland.
They've already failed because they've ended up energizing the opposite types of people than they had planned. It's similar to the whole "quantum computer looking glass says the DS is fucked no matter how many times they try to manipulate the future in their direction". It actually makes sense now. No matter what the DS does, it's like the opposite kinds of people are activated (real American patriots) and they're multiplying. Meanwhile Antifa is a shadowy joke.
So yes, we will tear down our government but it won't be like Antifa, it will be patriots that tear out the DS cancer and restore our Republic. Trust the plan, because it is their plan too...the only difference is the end result is not what they expected and now they can't stop what is coming. We don't have a problem with America--we love America. We have a problem with the DS in America, and now they are in everyone's focus. Uh-oh.
Well it worked on me, I fuckin hate canada. I was forced to take an experimental death shot (shut up yea I was forced. The threat of losing everything I have and the family losing the house and living in the car is as bad as a gun to the head)
The truckers give me hope that there are more like me in the country, but overall I want to live in a Trump america and carry a gun and be a republican. But I an stuck in this corrupt shithole.
You're right though, you could replace "America" with your home country and this will probably bare some truth to it depending on where you live. Same agenda.
I hear Roxham Road is open, buh-bye
bite me.
lol you're the self-professed weak link
dude where I am there are nothing but cucks here. What exactly am I supposed to do launch a one man protest. Yea me my wife and the one other guy that I kind of know that is not a cuck, that will go real far. You dont understand just how cucked this provience is. The double clot shotted are like 95% of the population. There are line ups for 'booster' kill shots. Hell I looked into leaving for Texas but would need two shots to get a H1B visa. I am the only one in the god damn stores refusing to wear a mask. I got escorted from a store a couple weeks ago. Anyone that goes 'where is your mask' cowers and scoots away when I start in on them. I was basically fired for not taking the death shot and the family would be out in the street so I threw myself on the sword for my family.
If there were protests like in brussels I would so be there. So fuck you, fuck trudeau and fuck canada.