Greetings frens! As we all know, the dark ones have miserably fallen short of reaching their desired mass-culling / mass-population-control goals with this fake ass plandemic of theirs. That being said, now that they know that they're going down (and down for good), they're pulling all stops (that they possibly can) to bring as many of humanity down with them as they possibly can. They're trying to push us into World War 3 with this whole Russia / Ukraine situation, and they're trying to turn peaceful protests into riots. Because, and let me highlight this point specifically, don't think for ONE FRIGGIN' SECOND that turning protests violent hurts THEM whatsoever. Only common people like you and me get hurt and mindlessly slaughtered when protests turn violent -- while their asses relax happily in their air-conditioned, red-carpeted ivory towers. Same with wars. Soldiers get incited under the false label of "patriotism"; ordinary men and women like you and me lose their children, pets, loved ones and livelihoods amidst bloody massacres; whilst weapons manufacturers, Bush, Obama and the crew enjoy their margaritas under a sun umbrella at the Epst. Island.
WE are so NOT going to allow them this "win".
So I invite you, one and all, to join the Global Mass Meditations / Prayers for World Peace, Love and Light that are currently happening every four hours -- at 12:30 AM UTC; 4:30 AM UTC; and 8:30 AM UTC; as well as at 12:30 PM UTC; 4:30 PM UTC; and 8:30 PM UTC. You can also find the requisite Time Zones for some of the biggest cities around the globe at
If you're new to mass meditations / prayers, worry not! All you even need to do in here is to firstly choose one (or more) of the given meditation timings provided above -- although if no timing given above works for you at all, just join in at the timing that suits you best! Once done, simply find a comfortable and relaxing place to sit / sleep / stand. As an entirely optional thing, you can create a 'prayer mood' or 'meditation mood' using incense, flowers, and/or by playing some soft instrumental or Tibetan Healing music on your headphones (or speakers). Fantastic selections of such music are freely available on YouTube and elsewhere.
Once done, just relax yourself (close your eyes if you wish to), and INTEND (verbally or mentally) that this meditation is for bringing the Light of PEACE, LOVE, Compassion and Forgiveness upon the ENTIRE planet, with special focus on Russia and Ukraine at this time. Then, simply imagine / visualize global peace in whatever ways that work the best for you. You can either imagine Love and Peace descending upon Planet Earth as a brilliant White / Golden / Pink / Multicoloured / Colour-Of-Your-Choice light; or you can simply imagine people coming together and hugging it out. You can imagine soldiers dropping weapons and joining hands and hearts instead, and you can imagine nature joyfully restoring the energies of peace through beauty, flowers, clouds, and what-else-have-you. Imagine walls and barriers between people breaking down and joys being shared. All up to you as to how YOU'D like to visualize / imagine this best!
More importantly, FEEL as if all of this was happening right NOW, right in FRONT OF YOU. FEEL into the JOY you feel upon seeing these visuals and images and incidences play out in front of you. And then, simply KNOW that what you've willed for, is DONE. Because indeed, SUCH is the true raw POWER of a good, kind and benevolent INTENTION / PRAYER!
You can do this Prayer / Meditation / Intention-Setting for as little as 2 minutes, or as long as an hour or more if you so please! There's no specific time requirements here, although the more the merrier! (That being said, PLEASE do NOT exhaust yourself out or anything of the sort here though, for SUCH is NOT needed to be done here AT ALL whatsoever!)
~ONE LAST but SUPER IMPORTANT thing (NOTE: this is ONLY for those who have any belief at all in the existence of higher power benevolent entities the likes of Angels, Archangels, God etc): BE SURE to invite ALL higher dimensional beings and energies (God, Higher Self, Ascended Masters, Angels, Archangels, Soul Families, Deceased Loved Ones, All-Beings-From-Heaven etc.) to support you in whatever ways that they so can during this meditation. Also, DO ask them to AMPLIFY your energies and intentions INFINITELY for the greatest good of ALL in the most INCREDIBLE ways...beyond your very wildest imaginings! Note that doing so is basically grabbing all of that FREE and (immensely!) POWERFUL energetic help, so go make the MOST of it! Note that you have to specifically ASK for this as the Higher Dimensional Ones will NOT intervene in these matters without your explicit FREE WILL permission as per DIVINE LAW. So do note that!
LAST BUT BY NO MEANS THE LEAST: PLEASE do freely SHARE this message across ALL of your Social Media profiles, Spiritual Communities (both online and offline), and what-else-have-you! Feel free to bring the topic up in your conversations with like-minded / open-minded friends, family members, and neighbours etc. alike, and spread the word like wild-fire! (who says we can't fight fire with fire?)
You are MORE appreciated for doing this than you EVER WILL come to know or even REALIZE! Rather, let me put it this way: YOUR PRAYER could be the difference between a mother not losing her only child in some act of mindless violence. YOUR PRAYER could be the reason a father gets to see the rest of his beloved family members alive and well at the dinner table that night. YOUR PRAYER could be the reason a sister doesn't have to see her beloved brother as a coffin. And don't just think your prayers are saving one or two people in here, you're preventing a literal WORLD WAR here through merely your prayers're saving people in the THOUSANDS and the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS here. So please, never, never, NEVER EVER underestimate what your benevolent prayers, blessings, and positive thoughts and intentions could do for someone feeling all alone, lost, and helpless in another corner of the world.
Your prayers and meditations have INCALCULABLE POWER. Go make the most of it!
In INFINITE Love and Gratitude to you ALL,
- notQ
Together we are strong
They’ve always known it.
Now WE know it.
Godspeed Frens, we will win.