When I was a barista, I could quite honestly predict when our machinery would break down, need replaced, or go through sudden system updates--it was always during the Mercury retrogrades, which happen 3 times a year. Each and every time, something happened--not always catastrophic machine failure, but something. It got to a point where coworkers & folks I trained would ask me, "is Mercury retrograde right now? Is that why everything is broken?" and many times, I would smile and say "yep!"
When I was a barista, I could quite honestly predict when our machinery would break down, need replaced, or go through sudden system updates--it was always during the Mercury retrogrades, which happen 3 times a year. Each and every time, something happened--not always catastrophic machine failure, but something. It got to a point where coworkers & folks I trained would ask me, "is Mercury retrograde right now? Is that why everything is broken?" and many times, I would smile and say "yep!"