This is SUPER helpful info. Thanks so much. I'm not sure how much I know how to keep myself unperturbed and calm, but I appreciate the kind words and shadow of a very serious doubt regardless. LOL!
And yeah, my "charm" is def off today. Had several meetings and a coaching session w/a client and felt SO awkward. I never feel that way. Very much an "open mouth / insert foot" sorta vibe.
Thanks again for pointing me in a couple of new directions - love deep diving into this subject matter!
This is SUPER helpful info. Thanks so much. I'm not sure how much I know how to keep myself unperturbed and calm, but I appreciate the kind words and shadow of a very serious doubt regardless. LOL!
And yeah, my "charm" is def off today. Had several meetings and a coaching session w/a client and felt SO awkward. I never feel that way. Very much an "open mouth / insert foot" sorta vibe.
Thanks again for pointing me in a couple of new directions - love deep diving into this subject matter!