Yes, there's definitely something odd about all this, but I can't quite put my finger on it. With all the possible comms formations in his name he sounds like he was bred for these kind of messages. Just another day and another mind bending Qincidence... kek.
Hypnosis but also, Hip Gnosis?
Yeah he’s signing for Pfizer, moderna, and J&J what an absolute genius lol
oh now that is hilarious. Nice find.
Take 150 million for half of your back catalogue (having already had a successful career).
Have argument with Trump (lose fans), have argument with Rogan (lose fans).
Controlled demolition of the value of the music he sold? Buyer stitch up?
Also of interest, the guy he sold to at Hipgnosis was Merck Mercuriadis
Couple of interpretations there: MM (mason ref?), MM = 13 / 13 (cancel / unlucky)
Also, Merk (urban slang): 1. to kill someone 2. to beat someone in a game 3. to insult someone
Merk in Afrikaans - a mark.
Could have been a giant stitch up on the bag holder.
Also, dasting Neil Young / DJT / JFK Jr / George News connections here:
Things may not be as they seem...
MM = Master Mason
Yes, there's definitely something odd about all this, but I can't quite put my finger on it. With all the possible comms formations in his name he sounds like he was bred for these kind of messages. Just another day and another mind bending Qincidence... kek.
Man, don't write clickbait titles.
Yeah this company owns like all the hot songs from the 60's to the 90's. They're massive and will eventually just own music in general