Sums it up perfectly.
EVERY MSM (Except RT News 🤔) is reporting on Russias military build up along THEIR OWN Borders as an "imminent" invasion of Ukraine, and NOT PROTECTING their OWN Border, from a country that is about to IMPLODE, - and HEAVILY TIED TO /PROPPED UP BY BIDEN(S) - when Nord Stream 2 comes fully on line ...
And adding in the 'almost ' neutralisation of the EU, through the dependence of a now 'energy deficient' Germany, following the almost complete closure of their own fossil and nuclear power generation ....
Then it becomes a stalemate situation of "You BETTER NOT invake Ukraine, "or else!"
And Putin sitting doing f all except getting ready for that implosion...
And maybe even having a nightly phone call with GEOTUS, as they pish themselves laughing , at what the ever more desperate DS have been up to today, and how their MSM are being exposed... meh covid ..
Pipelines for meeee, not for theee
Sums it up perfectly. EVERY MSM (Except RT News 🤔) is reporting on Russias military build up along THEIR OWN Borders as an "imminent" invasion of Ukraine, and NOT PROTECTING their OWN Border, from a country that is about to IMPLODE, - and HEAVILY TIED TO /PROPPED UP BY BIDEN(S) - when Nord Stream 2 comes fully on line ...
And adding in the 'almost ' neutralisation of the EU, through the dependence of a now 'energy deficient' Germany, following the almost complete closure of their own fossil and nuclear power generation ....
Then it becomes a stalemate situation of "You BETTER NOT invake Ukraine, "or else!"
And Putin sitting doing f all except getting ready for that implosion...
And maybe even having a nightly phone call with GEOTUS, as they pish themselves laughing , at what the ever more desperate DS have been up to today, and how their MSM are being exposed... meh covid ..
Refuse to fight wars for these obscenely, rich, psychopath, sociopath, megalomaniac bastard reptiles.
Yep, and Hillary was gonna build a pipeline to europe and russias ally Syria stopped it.