Surely somewhere in his addled brain Biden realizes Kamela is is only insurance policy against being forced out or worse. Sit down and stop drooling, Killary!
It's plain to see that this is what they are trying to arrange. They have made it clear that Hilary getting in something they are working toward and this is how they do it. Will still only delay the inevitable though.
Hmmmm..wonder why Joe was clutching his Kamala Harris mag yesterday? Maybe the signal was being put out to begin moving these pieces around.
I Wonder if Breyer only "found out" today that he was stepping down. Maybe someone was ahem "helping" him to come to that decision.
That can't happen. That won't happen. Please God, don't let that happen.
...then Hillary gets the open vice presidents slot...
...and you know what that means....
...pray for the best...
...plan for the worst....
That means 1861 all over again.
She should be UNDER the cell.
And she WILL be. ⌛
Exactly. They pull that shit and they will need more than just some concrete walls. can only remain "behind the curtain" for so long before your hand(s) become obvious....
Where’s Toto when you need him???
the actress playing Killary.
Filed under "Distinct Possibilities"....
Interesting speculation…but you could be right. Nothing would surprise me anymore.
… an unexpected, unfortunate DEATH?
...accidents don't happen in a perfect world....
Surely somewhere in his addled brain Biden realizes Kamela is is only insurance policy against being forced out or worse. Sit down and stop drooling, Killary!
It's plain to see that this is what they are trying to arrange. They have made it clear that Hilary getting in something they are working toward and this is how they do it. Will still only delay the inevitable though. Hmmmm..wonder why Joe was clutching his Kamala Harris mag yesterday? Maybe the signal was being put out to begin moving these pieces around. I Wonder if Breyer only "found out" today that he was stepping down. Maybe someone was ahem "helping" him to come to that decision.
I hope it does. Maybe it will finally force hands to be played.