Its not. Almost every industry requires upfront investment to setup everything before you can start producing. We are considering the simplest case of an individual but it applies to every level. Without being able to have funds upfront, you wont be able to achieve beyond the barest survival level production.
I was mostly being facetious because he calls work before pay slavery. But yeah. I wonder what it was like when we switched from bartering to shells and such, it would probably be similar
Its not. Almost every industry requires upfront investment to setup everything before you can start producing. We are considering the simplest case of an individual but it applies to every level. Without being able to have funds upfront, you wont be able to achieve beyond the barest survival level production.
I was mostly being facetious because he calls work before pay slavery. But yeah. I wonder what it was like when we switched from bartering to shells and such, it would probably be similar