How dare you insult Tom Woods (lol, but serious). Nobody but the Founding Fathers have done what the Founding Fathers did. So not really a good counter.
I am ok with limited government, so we aren't enemies by any means. VERY limited.
FYI, the wild west had no government and was a very peaceful place. The frontier settlers privately created their own local sheriffs. They brokered deals with Indian tribes. The idea of it being full of bank robbers and chaos was a Hollywood, dime-novel fiction.
I do think an anarchist society would work. Frankly, conservative areas with Christian people, who have guns and good values, do not need police at all. It is the areas with more government that wind up with the most crime, who need the most police. Quite the paradox for you to consider.
How dare you insult Tom Woods (lol, but serious). Nobody but the Founding Fathers have done what the Founding Fathers did. So not really a good counter.
I am ok with limited government, so we aren't enemies by any means. VERY limited.
FYI, the wild west had no government and was a very peaceful place. The frontier settlers privately created their own local sheriffs. They brokered deals with Indian tribes. The idea of it being full of bank robbers and chaos was a Hollywood, dime-novel fiction.
I do think an anarchist society would work. Frankly, conservative areas with Christian people, who have guns and good values, do not need police at all. It is the areas with more government that wind up with the most crime, who need the most police. Quite the paradox for you to consider.