I took Ivermectin last night 🏡 Local WIN 🏘️
posted ago by Shark_FL ago by Shark_FL +93 / -0

All day yesterday, I could feel a cold coming on, just a regular cold with aches and sniffles and a cough. My chest especially on one side felt a bit tight but I was getting plenty of oxygen and felt it was no big deal, just a cold. 50 white male in good health, no issues.

I went to bed early and was breathing good but still felt heaviness in chest and figured if this is a cold, it will probably be ramping up. I took action.

I self-administered 7 of the 3mg IVERMECTIN pills, plus Quercetin, Zinc and Centrum which contains C and D. I then fell into a deep sleep and woke up sweaty a couple hours later with zero breathing issues. I was still achey so I took a ibuprofen and went back to bed.

This morning, I have much better energy than yesterday. My breathing is much better too. I still definitely have a cold but I feel like the medicine I took had a positive impact. I'll take my 2nd round dose tomorrow morning.