Mask mandates ended in the UK yesterday; today I went into my local store and there was only 1 other unmasked person! AARRGH!
Asked one woman why she was still wearing hers "Oh, I'm just used to it. Keeps me safe" "From what?!" I asked, she walked away.
Totally disgusted with these idiots - haven't seen my family for over 2 years now because of this BS. Maybe culling the stupid isn't such a bad idea.
This attitude of yours, "Maybe culling the stupid isn't such a bad idea." you might watch your attitude before you end up thinking like the eugenicists and politicians we are trying to get rid of.
So you are never stupid yourself? You are always wise and smart and good and just? You interact briefly with this lady, and think "she is stupid, I'm disgusted with these idiots, they're a bunch of retards, and culling them isn't a bad idea". You don't think that sounds a little eugenicist-y?
Cus last time I checked, culling people isn't just a bad idea, it's also a very evil idea.
I was venting my frustration. Do you live alone and not been able to see your family for over 2 years? We all have off days; i was expecting improvement, should have known better.
I'm sorry you haven't seen your family for 2 years, it must suck ass and is obviously frustrating as hell. I hope you get to see them soon and have a good time together.
I get frustrated with peoples' stupidity all the time too dude I get it. I'm just reminding you that contemplating eugenics is not the best outlet and it's not a good look for MAGA
Not a remark to be taken seriously. Please be patient, God has not finished working on me. This is the only place I can say what I feel and get understanding support; only 1 of my friends has resisted like myself, everyone else I know has complied, got vaxxed and boosted despite my warnings. Just want it all to end.