Canada Right Now: It is hard to overstate how big this thing is getting - this is a typical scene that is playing out at EVERY SINGLE highway overpass on our 400-series highways as well as the Trans-Canada Highway, and at each location, more drivers join the convoy. Very proud moment for us.

The worst I experienced was -35 + windchill. I had to walk about 15 blocks, I was going and eventually started getting tired. Looked at the snow bank and figured I could warm up covered in snow.
Then I slapped myself and told myself that I was being stupid and if I lied down that I wasn't going to get back up again.
Finally got home and it took about 2 hours under blankets before I stopped shivering.
I was staking claims in the NWT once and when I finished my portion I was exhausted. I laid down to rest while waiting for my colleague to meet up with me. When I woke up, the helicopter was landing to pick "us" up and I had an inch of fresh snow on me. My colleague had injured himself and was in the helicopter with broken ribs. If things had gone differently, I might not have woken up.
I'll never take a nap in the snow again.
Sounds like you got lucky.