This is a great video for normies... Showing FRAUDCHI literally telling them that a "surprise pandemic" WILL happen in the next (Trump) admin. Combine that with the proof that has emerged from the DoD leaks, and simple connect-the-dots (for those mentally willing) can easily occur.
Normies waking up to the BS never ending narrative of vaccinate, variant, boost are wearing down and starting to get pissed at Fauci & Co. This video is really good at showing something WAS done to combat this and it's unfolding in real time.
This is a great video for normies... Showing FRAUDCHI literally telling them that a "surprise pandemic" WILL happen in the next (Trump) admin. Combine that with the proof that has emerged from the DoD leaks, and simple connect-the-dots (for those mentally willing) can easily occur.
Get ready for Nuremberg 2.0.
The reason these conspirators want us dead is that they know when the truth comes out their heads will be on the block for what they've done.
Normies waking up to the BS never ending narrative of vaccinate, variant, boost are wearing down and starting to get pissed at Fauci & Co. This video is really good at showing something WAS done to combat this and it's unfolding in real time.