You could create a fear campaign using the symptoms of a common cold mixed with murderous treatment protocols that hype the death rate and then use that fear to sell the population a lethal vaccination as the cure. That might exterminate enough people in order for you to swoop in and handle the few remaining holdouts. Just a thought. That sounds like a movie though.
Never forget that this is what they will do if they get rid of guns in America. Never Going to Happen. Support your 2A.
Or without a gene modifying spike protein or two.
You could create a fear campaign using the symptoms of a common cold mixed with murderous treatment protocols that hype the death rate and then use that fear to sell the population a lethal vaccination as the cure. That might exterminate enough people in order for you to swoop in and handle the few remaining holdouts. Just a thought. That sounds like a movie though.
Pry it from my cold dead fingers....if you still alive to try