Lurker here - I am looking for help with a doctor's letter about avoiding the vaccine. My MIL is a nurse and she works privately and also for an agency in NJ. She is asking for a letter that explains that she is allergic to the ingredients in vaccines (which is true and she can prove it). I found some pdf examples online but I'm looking for some good legalese or a form letter. I know this may be a lot to ask but any information is very much welcomed.
EDIT: Thank you for the responses. I have just learned that my MIL does not have a primary physician and she is looking for a way to get out of getting vaccinated. She is single and lives in an apartment. Her agency is asking for PAPERS so she can get around the vaccine.
I know I never posted here but my wife has already lost her father to gioblastoma (spelling) and her sister now has breast cancer (they both got the vaccine) and I'm going nuts over here. My wife also has a six year old son and the schools in NY are like Nazi camps. I appreciate any advice you guys can give about helping her mother get around the vaccine in NJ.
Her primary care’s office should be able to draft and sign a letter for her if she’s allergic.
Thank you both for the responses. I edited my question. I appreciate the help.
She can RE-establish with a new primary care and state her allergies and medical history to the new doc. She can even see a tele-doc to do this. Then her new primary can draft and sign a letter for her to hand into her employer.
Thank you. How does a tele-doc work, exactly?
It seems the best thing for her to do would be get a letter from her own doctor, no? S/he would have the necessary info that proves your MIL is allergic. If for some reason that is out of the question, someone else here may have a suggestion. Actually, u/20-gauge may have some info that would help. Good luck.
Can she file a religious exemption request? Then she has an EEOC claim if it’s denied. Better legal standing.
A religious exemption is usually more easy to get approved. Medical is hard to get since so many doctors are other corrupt or afraid. Not to go off topic, but in a more southern state, living expenses are much less than in NJ. God bless.
Thanks for the suggestion. I'm going to talk to them today and see what they think about using a religious exemption.
My son got one for his college. Please message me if I can help in any way. Some students submitted medical and religious, so it didn't have to be either/or.