I have been following this hypothesis; that you cannot kill viruses because they aren't alive to begin with, that viruses cannot be transmitted via close-contact because viruses are really just naturally occurring elements within the body, they're basically like soap when the body simply cannot clean something out normally.
I'm not sure what to think of this alternative view on viruses, I feel like this is the biggest question since Galileo's theory that the Earth evolves around the Sun.
I would like to hear what the community says about this theory, that viruses are naturally created by the body to clean out toxic elements that cannot normally be removed, and are expelled from the mucus membranes instead..
Interesting video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/c4rX0rGq7y7h/
Also, Dr. Robert Morse ND talks about this a lot on his channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0ZBff-hRPchbXSe2o-aZdA
What does this community think about this theory? Thanks.
There are lots of reasons for people to become sick and die (maybe assisted by the hospital). And in the case of Covid, and most other declared pandemics for that matter, the link between the alleged virus and mortality was never established. The cause could be pesticides in one area, annual flu vaccinations in another, and excessive radiation in yet another.
Not one paper actually isolates said virus, and not one paper actually establishes a link between the not yet found virus and the disease (with no unique symptoms) it is alleged to cause.
However, the virus is the best cover story ever, for all kinds of crimes. A virus can't be seen, we just have to take the words of those who have sequenced it without even being able to isolated it, or even point to "it." And the perfect cover story can be said to cause whatever is most useful to those making the claim.
The virus concept is so useful that I can see the PTB throwing us skeptics a bone, and letting out that the vaxx is dangerous as long as we keep believing in the virus.