It Was All There in the EUA. Why Couldn’t They See it?
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I think it is something far simpler. We are in a post-Truth world. People have been brainwashed into accepting that so many observable facts are incorrect, that the populace was perfectly conditioned to accept anything (ANYTHING) that their programming told them. A simpler way would be to describe them as WokeTards, a form of mental retardation that can be inflicted through the non-stop assault of the Woke agenda. Strangely, history has provided us with the words of Voltaire "Those who can be convinced to believe absurdities, can be convinced to commit atrocities". When a proportion of population can be brow-beaten into accepting that a man is a woman because he says he is - that is an absurdity. And I think when the transgender narrative went mainstream, the NWO knew that the population was ready to be fed the Covid narrative which is an atrocity.
GREAT stuff anon
For example...
A man is a woman = absurdity
Chop off your son's dick and balls and dress him in purple tights with a pink boa = atrocity
Masks block viruses = absurdity
Masks block viruses in only one direction = absurdity
Masks don't work, so you should wear two of what doesn't work = absurdity
Mask mandates = atrocity
Viruses being able to measure and respect distances between people = absurdity
Antisocial distancing requirements, closing down entertainment venues = atrocity
People staying inside more will prevent flu spread = absurdity
Mandating healthy people be locked up to fight a flu virus = atrocity
Locking up businesses, crushing livelihoods and spirits = atrocity
Shot that doesn't prevent illness is still a vaccine = absurdity
Taking four, five, six, ten shots of vaccine to NOT be immune = absurdity
Vaccine mandates = atrocity
Forcing healthy people to get the protection that didn't protect the sick people = atrocity
Asymptomatic transmission = absurdity
Forced vaccinations of toddlers and babies = atrocity
The craziest thing to me is they convinced people of something that doesn’t exist (a virus as defined).
A very large segment of the world's population is suffering from a form of "anosognosia", induced by their addiction to media