Q3551 is a link to what is happening today with the Dems and the IGIC. It also is probably the key to the entire map. Need help digging if people agree! Need to look at 50 U.S.C. § 3033 3(g)1-2 compared to post 3551 & Joe Biden text Number 30330. Basically, if you replace the last 0 in Biden's text number with the first 3 in the stringer you get 3033 3. So 50 U.S.C. § 3033 3 then next line (g) then next line (1-2). I believe capital D and H are indicators. See attached image link. Let me know of any questions. I am not sure if I can reply or not yet, so I may have to update the initial post.
2020 : 30330 = 0,0666007253544346
2021 : 30330 = 0,0666336960105506
2022 : 30330 = 0,0666666666666667 <-- all 666 symbolism
2023 : 30330 = 0,0666996373227827
Symbolism will be their downfall.
Flynn Interview talking about nuclear war risk https://www.generalflynn.com/emergency-warning-of-nuclear-war-coming-domestic-false-flag/
2 Q-Posts after, mention of NK https://qalerts.app/?n=4828
NK - intermediate-range missile launched https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/north-korea-fires-projectiles-into-sea-off-east-coast-yonhap-2022-01-29/
Where does the 30330 come from?
Never mind...
ALSO: Uh so I looked it up and it's fucking real? In 2019 he had a debate gaffe where he told supporters to visit Joe 30330.
ALSO: https://searchvoat.co/v/QRV/3447551
Q3551 is a link to what is happening today with the Dems and the IGIC. It also is probably the key to the entire map. Need help digging if people agree! Need to look at 50 U.S.C. § 3033 3(g)1-2 compared to post 3551 & Joe Biden text Number 30330. Basically, if you replace the last 0 in Biden's text number with the first 3 in the stringer you get 3033 3. So 50 U.S.C. § 3033 3 then next line (g) then next line (1-2). I believe capital D and H are indicators. See attached image link. Let me know of any questions. I am not sure if I can reply or not yet, so I may have to update the initial post.
In the news ...Ukraine + Russia, Russia, Russia....
very interesting, thank you for posting this
This is amazing