Hey everyone,
So, if you're the white hats, and you're trying to prevent a Marek's disease style apocalypse, what do you do?
If you don't know what Marek's disease is, it's a disease in chickens that evolved to become more deadly and quickly spread throughout the vaccinated chickens because of a leaky vaccine and kill off the ones who didn't take it.
You can read about it, there's lots of data on it. Now the chickens have to be vaccinated or the virus kills them, when previously it didn't kill them very much.
You can read about it in this pre-pandemic article from PBS.
We now know that the vaccine basically turns you into a super spreader, and likely is causing new variants.
The timeline for this Marek's style apocalypse will take about 10-ish years for the kill-strains to start appearing naturally if this is the trajectory we are on, and follow the same timeline as the chicken population. That means if we stop mass-vaccinating soon, we still have time.
So, if you're the globalists, and you want to socially control people, this phenomenon works great. You have a 50 year old animal model to demonstrate efficacy, and so you need very little new tech to implement this, if any at all, considering we already know how to do gain of function.
Once the kill-strains start circulating due to the vaccines you are distributing, people can be easily controlled with the distribution of the vaccines because, despite the serious side effects which will kill off a pre-planned percentage of the population anyway, because they will still keep you from dying from the kill-strains.
Anyone who doesn't take the shots will be killed by the viruses being spread by those who did.
In fact, they may even engineer strains to distribute through the vaccinated population on purpose. Enter the monkey truck crash.
Sorry for the YT link, but here's a segment from Tim Pool's show talking about how the monkey truck lady's FB post said she had covid symptoms. He interestingly points out that news articles report she has some other condition, pinkeye, which certainly does not have covid-like symptoms.
What if you could speed up this process with a pre-planned secondary virus release? A ready-made kill-strain, to speed up the timeline? Was this a plan to use lab animals as a vector to distribute a kill strain to the population, circulate it among the vaccinated, and use it to purge off the population that didn't take the poison shots?
How do you protect the unvaccinated against this?
The vaccinated are causing the problem, so obviously you can't vaccinate them.
You can treat individual people with chemoprophylaxis like HCQ/zinc, quercetin, vitamin C/D, ivermectin, whatever you have available, but what if there's another way?
What about a counter-bioweapon?
Enter the omicron variant. A virus which is similar enough to covid-19 to grant immunity when the unvaccinated catch it, presents mild symptoms, and circulates throughout the population so quickly that, in effect, purges the rest of the strains from circulation and basically grants everyone immunity at once. We were told not everything would be clean, and releasing a biological agent of your own certainly isn't clean, but if it directly counters an even more dangerous bioweapon, and it results in fewer deaths and the eventual destruction of the whole crooked system, then you could say the ends would justify the means in some people's eyes.
Why is Trump so proud of the vaccines and Project Warpspeed?
Because the vaccinated super-spreaders ended up facilitating the spread of the counter-bioweapon that defused the kill-strains they were trying to release.
Can I really prove any of this? Probably not on my own, but maybe with your help, we can gain some insight into the bigger picture. This is just based off of logical thinking using the data we know about Marek's disease and a 50-year old real-life animal model for epidemiology, and some of the things we know about recent events, the vaccine, and the omicron variant.
I'd love to hear all your thoughts on the matter.
I agree with this detailed analysis about the structure of omicron. It's interesting that people are catching it after already having had the 'rona. I'm sure I have omicron right now. Several members of our family have tested positive with a lateral flow test (FWIW, the tests don't work, I know, I know). I'm also sure I got an early and nasty version of the 'rona in Mar 2020. I was very ill and my lungs didn't recover for 6 months.
God only knows what's happening there. I don't expect the cabal to just lie down and watch their plans get ruined.
What we need is truth and then the public can make informed decisions.
Yes, I have the experience that the lateral flow tests work too, but I still don't completely trust them, they aren't developed for our benefit.