Karenoid and Karenoia. If these have already been coined, then sorry I am late to the game!
Most, if not all of them had the 'Karen Cut', some purple-haired. A few even had on crocs with socks and sweat pants. One instance of latex gloves.
Lots of double-masked men, too. I have a word for them as well, but it isn't nice. Hint: it rhymes with wussie.
So is "kike" and such. If memes don't have power wtf are we doing online? Memes are the root of all power. In this case it empowers the cabal to unleash their smirking minions upon the working classes of citizens with ammunition to shut down any vocal woman. It's just a more palatable and politically correct pronunciation of "cunt."
oy vey, don't be so Karenoid