I definitely agree with you. I made a post about how the DuPont family in the brotherhood of the snake is controlling Biden and not Obama. Didn’t get much attention unfortunately. I’m trying to expose the evil deeds of the members of the brotherhood of the snake that aren’t the Rockefellers or Rothschilds because we know about those.
I definitely think that a low effort post on reptilians is low hanging fruit.
with a side of alien, asteroids, or reptilians.
basket of ad hominems complimentary with every meal.
Dont forget flat earth theory
a non starter. shame 8th grade physics was canceled.
Yep. Every planet I see has phases and the moon as seen thru my telescope cause round and rotating lol.
All planets and moons are spheres. We are rotating.
Anyone who doesnt believe this needs to buy a telescope.
Reptilians are definitely real tho
could be, but we've got so much low hanging fruit dying on the vine. priorities, fren.
I definitely agree with you. I made a post about how the DuPont family in the brotherhood of the snake is controlling Biden and not Obama. Didn’t get much attention unfortunately. I’m trying to expose the evil deeds of the members of the brotherhood of the snake that aren’t the Rockefellers or Rothschilds because we know about those.
I definitely think that a low effort post on reptilians is low hanging fruit.
Did Duponts create the federal reserve?