If it is a federal highway, it is a federal felony if I am not mistaken. That must be why anarchists targeted leftist, Marxist infiltrated foreign occupied province - they presume sympathetic, bribed, blackmailed prosecution at all levels - local, provincial, federal.
If they were prosecuted that'd be evidence of large organizational problems for the deepstate in that area.
Ideally, anyone who helps the deepstate will be protected by the deepstate.
If all bad deeds were being criminalized itd be an auto-disadvantage for them.
See something, say something. Immediately report anyone seen near a road wearing Ray-bans and cargo shorts! Sorry.
But seriously, there's not a lot. Report on Waze as road work, and CB network? Without switching to run-flats or something, trucks are vulnerable to this.
Citizen vigilantism is the only way to defeat an asymmetric obstacle like this. Report events, post warning signs online and by road signs, and work to find the perpetrators.
Temporary cleanup using big magnets, but you have to close the roads first. (Maybe the lead truck in a convoy could use a magnetic sweeper snowplow thing... I don't know, sounds like it's too crazy to work...)
If it is a federal highway, it is a federal felony if I am not mistaken. That must be why anarchists targeted leftist, Marxist infiltrated foreign occupied province - they presume sympathetic, bribed, blackmailed prosecution at all levels - local, provincial, federal.
If they were prosecuted that'd be evidence of large organizational problems for the deepstate in that area.
Ideally, anyone who helps the deepstate will be protected by the deepstate. If all bad deeds were being criminalized itd be an auto-disadvantage for them.
if they see someone doing that grab their ass and roll them around to pick them up....
See something, say something. Immediately report anyone seen near a road wearing Ray-bans and cargo shorts! Sorry.
But seriously, there's not a lot. Report on Waze as road work, and CB network? Without switching to run-flats or something, trucks are vulnerable to this.
Citizen vigilantism is the only way to defeat an asymmetric obstacle like this. Report events, post warning signs online and by road signs, and work to find the perpetrators.
Temporary cleanup using big magnets, but you have to close the roads first. (Maybe the lead truck in a convoy could use a magnetic sweeper snowplow thing... I don't know, sounds like it's too crazy to work...)
I like that idea
Snow plows.