How much has changed because of the shots? Do our children of the prior to vakz have the same (paternal) dna? Does anyone know?
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Hoping to know sooner.. raising a beautiful baby girl without her father because work came first 😔
The studies have not been done. Assume the worst.
If you are worried for yourself and daughter, consider the Zelenko protocol (Vit C, D, zinc and quercetin and try to lay your hands on some Ivermectin somehow. Ivermectin stops the bioweapon in its tracks.
I believe one can still buy Ivermectin drench over the counter at vet supplies. the paste is gone, unless you have an old-school vet supply shop available. Otherwise, contact for a script.
I have stocked up on ivm. I take it prophylactically and she gets a bit vicariously. Vitamin c, d, zinc for sure and I drink quinine a few times a week too..
Also, for babies you need to research dosages for those vitamins. Vit C and D are fine, because the body will only use as much as it needs and process the rest out. I've had toddlers munch as many as 10000 mg in one day, with no ill effect except for runny poos. Zinc, however can make one nauseous if overdosed. However, check medical white papers for dhild-dosage, not FDA recommendations, which are 10X too low in most cases. Quercetin is a bioflavenoid, commonly found in apple peels and onions. Should be fine.