All you beautiful anons on here deserve an immense serving of gratitude.
This might get a bit long, so bear with me.
To establish some legitimacy, if I can find it, I’m going to link to a post I authored the day I sensed that the tide had turned (EDIT: found it. Read it, and see if what I shared has been shown to be true. It was stickied, so if you hang out here a lot, you might remember it.
Ok, so here’s what I’d like to share today: in the same way I knew that the tide has shifted, I now know that victory is ours. The world is awake. You did it… not metaphorically, but literally! What an amazing accomplishment!
I would like to offer a thought that I haven’t seen expressed elsewhere. We always speak as though The Great Awakening was only for the good guys. I would like to propose that our enemies were just as asleep as we were… that many of them were doing what they were doing not with any form conviction, but s as sleepwalkers. I propose that the rain we can claim that The Great Awakening is now complete is that both us AND our enemies are now awake. Everybody has taken sides, and nobody has an excuse. The whole world is truly awake!
Is it sad that many of our brothers and sisters have chosen poorly? It is. Do we mourn in the knowledge that great harm is occurring both to them as well as to their victims? We do. But we also rejoice in knowing that our enemies have, as awakened beings, chosen to reject humanity, charity, inalienable rights, and human dignity. This will give us the strength to do what is necessary to end this madness.
The conspirators crafted a narrative they were sure would work, and are now scrambling because it has failed. They have learned that narratives, like large ships, take time to turn… but they are now out of time, so the only choice they have is to run the ship up onto the rocks and do as much damage as they can. They have lost. We are victorious. Their success was dependent on people remaining asleep, and they failed in their attempts to drug us into a never ending slumber. But here’s the warning: the effectual battle will continue, and the damage will be great. Friends, acquaintances, loved ones, and even your very life are in grave danger.
Stand strong friends. Gather your courage. And when the time comes, go to battle as an awake agent of light and truth, and fearlessly defeat these awake agents of darkness and misery.
God bless…
Ok, found it:
Thank you! Appreciated!