D.O.D. is HIDING (changing) VAXX-DATA being collected on MILITARY BEING INJURED BY “COVID-JABS”…(see video link in comments)
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D.O.D. is HIDING (changing) VAXX-DATA being collected on MILITARY BEING INJURED BY “COVID-JABS”…(see video link in comments)
**WATCH excerpt video of Sen. Johnson COVID-VAX Jan. 26-HEARING in D.C…..as ATTORNEYS Tom Rens and Leigh Dundas EXPOSE how D.O.D. is HIDING (changing) DATA being collected in Project Salas and is COVERING UP MASSIVE INCREASES IN miscarriages, cancer, neurological damage…
https://futurenews.news/watch?id=61f08a740388fd1a8a6afca9 **
**FOR 2 PDF'S about the COVID-VAX-DEAD POOL as well as CHILDHOOD BIRTH DEFECTS AND OTHER VAERS...click link below...then click on the top post which has the PDF's: