This university did not do a phase III trial. They just did a lab study. That's the very beginning of the journey.
You can say something kills cancer cells in a petri dish, but is that a good drug? hydrocholoric acid will also kill cancer cells in a petri dish, but I don't want to swallow it.
A phase III trial is conducted in humans and is a big, big deal. A lot of work has to be done before you even begin a phase IIi trial. You need a lot of successful
Pre-clinical (or laboratory) studies
Clinical trials are done only after pre-clinical findings suggest that the new drug or treatment is likely to be safe and will work in people.
Pre-clinical studies, also called laboratory studies - tests in a lab or on mice or something like that.
The investigational new drug application
Before a clinical trial can be started, the research must be approved. What is the drug, its risks, what is the research expected to do etc.
Phase 0 clinical trials: Exploring if and how a new drug may work.
Low doses in just a few people. This drug is meant to fight tumors....does it actually get to the tumor.
Each of the following involve more and more people and there's a lot more info at the link.
Phase I clinical trials: Is the treatment safe?
Phase II clinical trials: Does the treatment work?
Phase III clinical trials: Is it better than what’s already available?
This university did not do a phase III trial. They just did a lab study. That's the very beginning of the journey.
You can say something kills cancer cells in a petri dish, but is that a good drug? hydrocholoric acid will also kill cancer cells in a petri dish, but I don't want to swallow it.
A phase III trial is conducted in humans and is a big, big deal. A lot of work has to be done before you even begin a phase IIi trial. You need a lot of successful
Each of the following involve more and more people and there's a lot more info at the link.
The article was misleading then thats why Rogan deleted it