posted ago by TheConservationist ago by TheConservationist +34 / -0

Over at FreeCanada we've been building up a collection of Beaver Pepes for several months now.

His name is "Pehpeh", shortened from "P'eh P'eh".

We also have several different Canadian Animal Pepes, such as Goose Pepe & Moose Pepe (both un-named thus far).

This is a good time to release them into the wild, for use in the countless Canadian trucker memes of late.

Here are most of the Pehpehs we have thus far (among a few others):

We have a few more Canadian Clown Pepes in the making. Will probably share them in the comments here in the next week or so (or by editing this post).

For some context, Diagolon is a symbol of a hypothetical nation, conceived by Canadian podcaster "Raging Dissident", with 'based' parts of Canada & The US joined together.

This is the flag of Diagolon, representing the diagonal line that these 'based' regions happen to occupy in North America.

Phil is the Bighorn Ram mascot of Diagolon (we have a Pepe version of him in one of the transport trucks).