I’m new to this rabbit hole and I was wondering what people’s thoughts are. From what I’ve read it’s either people extremely against it who all parrot Sovereigns don’t pay taxes. Or it’s an opinion all for it. FBI on their website says they are a third form of domestic terrorist who “ are anti-government extremists who believe that even though they physically reside in this country, they are separate or “sovereign” from the United States. As a result, they believe they don’t have to answer to any government authority, including courts, taxing entities, motor vehicle departments, or law enforcement.” Anyone have experience perusing this status?
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Why was it legal in the 1800's for two men to take it outside and kill each other while the Sheriff just stands there watching? It's because before 1871 each and every one of us were sovereigns.
We live in one of the earlier versions of the Matrix where we believe that we are governed under Common Law when it's actually Admiralty Law, Maritime Law (UCC), and Crown Law that we are under.
In the context of Countries - When a sovereign goes bankrupt and borrows from another sovereign it just got OWNED. And after the Civil War the United States of America ceased to legally exist and was incorporated as USA INC.
So while the Civil War freed the slaves from their physical bondage - they soon enslaved us all through tax and debt slavery. And I would also have to say a new form of mass manipulation and psychological warfare was instituted against us.
We, you and I, and every American born person is a living, breathing Soul gifted great powers by God. And then The Founders came along and tied that power to a system of societal governance that matched those powers.
But as John Adams wrote in a letter Oct 13 1789 - "Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the governance of any other". I think that what he meant is that you don't need a mountain of laws if each person has internal laws. Morals.
Anyway - the combination of that power has been stolen from us and the sovereigns have a point in what they do. They are attempting to 'nullify' us back into Common Law.
My FBI guy is checking off one more list I am on. That's twice dude. Two marks.
And since we are on GA...
It's very likely that the Organic Act of 1871 was smashed by the Orange Guy in England the summer of 2020. The symbology between the queen and Trump indicated that the queen capitulated to Trump. Since then she has moved out of Buckingham Palace - the Windsor Coat of Arms removed - and to my knowledge has not worn the crown since. There is a lot more to this, not even scratching the surface - this is a cat pawing a sliding glass door.
IMO - queen ain't commin' back!
English Monarchy just might be over once and for all.
That's why her grandson and the robot fled and renounced their titles. The titles are worthless now so they cut bait and ran.
It's all about Sovereignty. Who owns you? Because if it really isn't YOU it's somebody else. If we all agree that 100% taxation is clearly slavery - at what tax rate are you no longer a slave?
Language - American courts use the Blacks Law Dictionary for definitions. Let's just say that whenever you hear a politician scream "MANDATE" know that what they are really screaming is "REQUEST!". Freaking hilarious. And pathetic...
We are in a Language Matrix that has tricked us into complying with evil people's stupid bullshit. Learn to use the language they are using and beat them at their own game. They won't know what to do because the ones that know, know their system relies on deceit. The ones that don't know are simply ignorant and find themselves interested in a system of Common Law when presented with the concept. Because it would be awesome!
And we can't have that if we are going to be good techno-slaves.