I do and I don't. On one hand my schedenfreude drive kicks in and I start grinning and my heart fills with glee. But then on the other hand, I look at that and I know it's only going to get worse as things intensify, this guy is just the tip of the psycho iceberg, and its kinda freaky because i live in a liberal cesspit and I am surrounded by zombies. So I envision some kind of post Q-pocalyptic nighmare scenario where I have to fight for the last can of beans with some triple masked screaming freak at the grocery store bread-line.
That is absolutely beautiful
I do and I don't. On one hand my schedenfreude drive kicks in and I start grinning and my heart fills with glee. But then on the other hand, I look at that and I know it's only going to get worse as things intensify, this guy is just the tip of the psycho iceberg, and its kinda freaky because i live in a liberal cesspit and I am surrounded by zombies. So I envision some kind of post Q-pocalyptic nighmare scenario where I have to fight for the last can of beans with some triple masked screaming freak at the grocery store bread-line.
solid advice to a fellow woo-woo-er. Steer into the timeline, don't let the timeline steer into you.