🚛💥🚚 HONK!! Erin O’Toole removed as Conservative leader of Canada…🚚💥🚛
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Well, that didn't take long. Maybe now we can get a REAL conservative at the helm.
I hope it's big PP
DEREK SLOAN !! He was the ONLY one running for the leader of the Conservative Party that talked about Canada First AND the ONLY one talking AGAINST the future 'vaccine' passports and mandates! The media was against him. All others running are globalists! Tens of thousands of ballots were 'accidentally' destroyed.I'm sure they were Sloan's, including my ballot. The Party pushed him out after the 'election'. He's been consistantly speaking out against the lockdowns and shots!
If they don't elect Lewis they are idiots.
Female, black, daughter of immigrants and QUALIFIED.
I hate identity politics, but you have to play the game. She is articulate and thoughtful, again: qualified, and checks nearly all the identity boxes. Watching Trudeau try and debate her would be wonderful. That stuttering idiot.
No female leaders! How about the European settlers descendants? Lost cause with them. It's blacks or Sikhs for Canadu. Hopeless, cucked country.
Down here we call them RINOS, Worthless POS
They should call them Ducks in Canada. They have wings like Canadian geese. Beaks like Canadian geese.
When it comes to standing up for conservative values, they Duck every chance they get!
Copy that!!
Nice! I hope they give the leadership to Polievre
When I first saw that political PoS pontificate and deflect from supporting the trucker convoy, I knew he was the Canadian equivalent of a Rhino here in the states. Definitely taking orders from his Globalist Puppet Masters.
Good riddance. Not sure how much influence conservatives have in the Ottawa Parliament, but I pray more MPs with foresight that the protests are not going away step up to the plate and force Turdeau to resign.