Lol. Where I am are SO many Trump supporters, but mention Q n it’s like I grow a wiener on my forehead lol. Amazes me in the Bible Belt. Truly crazy daze in the whirled 🤭
Yes! I think the total number of people in the U.S. who think the "Q phenomenon", for lack of a better term, is worth considering as anything other than some weird conspiracy theory is very small; the total number of regular visitors to GA may be the best indication, and that isn't more than a few thousand a day, correct, so perhaps a few tens of thousands of people in the entire U.S.?
One thing about it one thing about it if you truly know Q and you have read Q post reread drops then you would know that Q never claimed any facts fiction or conspiracy theories, using the Socratic method of asking questions Q simply pointed anans and researchers your own research and deciding for themselves alone apart from any group think fake news propaganda information distributor but through discernment and trusting your own self judgment choose and decide for yourself. You specifically says do not worship any platform including Q or the president of the United States where the full armor of God. Q defined Patriots and encourage we the people to love our country love our god-given rights and clean hard to truth. Seriously, what is it exactly that makes Q bad or negative or evil or conspiracy theorist? What drop/post number can anyone provide that will prove that Q is anti-American or traitor to the United States of America or puts our national security in harm's way? Specifically? Not some theory claimed by any Jack leg out here passing out their own conclusions, remember Q said do your own research create your own conclusions. Misinformation is necessary Q directly tells us do not take anything cute tells you as fat only allow it to open your eyes to the mainstream narrative that is against American sovereignty. And then there's people calling other folks q-tarts as in to shine light on them for they are just another asshole
When you are out & about your town, just look for the guy or gal with the big shit eating grin on their face.
Lol. Where I am are SO many Trump supporters, but mention Q n it’s like I grow a wiener on my forehead lol. Amazes me in the Bible Belt. Truly crazy daze in the whirled 🤭
Yes! I think the total number of people in the U.S. who think the "Q phenomenon", for lack of a better term, is worth considering as anything other than some weird conspiracy theory is very small; the total number of regular visitors to GA may be the best indication, and that isn't more than a few thousand a day, correct, so perhaps a few tens of thousands of people in the entire U.S.?
Maybe being a q-tard is a calling
Mind blowing to be privy to somethin so special that most are unwilling to even it to be happening on the daily. 🙃🤭
One thing about it one thing about it if you truly know Q and you have read Q post reread drops then you would know that Q never claimed any facts fiction or conspiracy theories, using the Socratic method of asking questions Q simply pointed anans and researchers your own research and deciding for themselves alone apart from any group think fake news propaganda information distributor but through discernment and trusting your own self judgment choose and decide for yourself. You specifically says do not worship any platform including Q or the president of the United States where the full armor of God. Q defined Patriots and encourage we the people to love our country love our god-given rights and clean hard to truth. Seriously, what is it exactly that makes Q bad or negative or evil or conspiracy theorist? What drop/post number can anyone provide that will prove that Q is anti-American or traitor to the United States of America or puts our national security in harm's way? Specifically? Not some theory claimed by any Jack leg out here passing out their own conclusions, remember Q said do your own research create your own conclusions. Misinformation is necessary Q directly tells us do not take anything cute tells you as fat only allow it to open your eyes to the mainstream narrative that is against American sovereignty. And then there's people calling other folks q-tarts as in to shine light on them for they are just another asshole
Who did you say again? Blue Anon,,,,? Yes? Ok good,,,,Blue Anon I know something about(wikipedia) but when you say Qanon.......who??? Blue Anon?