The White Hats have been extremely good at anticipating the Deep State and setting them up for failure. They have also been remarkably patient about setting their carefully laid plans in motion.
Theory: We have seen a LOT of poorly thought out and executed "false flags" lately, most of them can be traced directly back to the FBI and DOJ.
- Whitmer "kidnapping" which was entirely FBI organized.
- FBI agents showing up "in disguise" in large numbers at events... but all of them dressed in tan pants or shorts with the same blue shirts and sunglasses. (easily recognizable).
- FBI and DOJ full involvement in the Jan.6th incident.
- Sending the exact same agents to multiple events, under cover, so they can be easily recognized from one event to the other in photos.
- FBI agents caught repeatedly working with Antifa, including participating in riots or encouraging looting.
- Recent U.S. terrorism incidents, in which the FBI was well aware of the criminals in advance and seemed to have remarkable contact with them beforehand.
- Etc... ad nauseum.
The American Public has gotten VERY used to the idea of false-flags... and having them traced quickly back to the DOJ and FBI involvement, even including Congressmen or Administration officials. These days, if a national attack happens, the general assumption (and it isn't a big leap to make) is that the FBI or DOJ may have been directly involved. People have gotten so used to the set-ups and fakes, that suspicion of FBI or DOJ involvement is a logical first assumption.
Now... bring in Q.
Is it possible that public perception has been primed and readied. Lawmakers and corrupt agency officials are also primed and readied. Everyone is used to agency false-flags and so lawmakers and officials are willing to turn a blind eye or agree to it, even though they have direct evidence that one is planned. OK then, present them will verification emails, use voice recordings, telephone and tweet intercepts to document who knew what, who approved it, who didn't say anything, who was willing to finance it.... then White Hats conduct a False-False flag. It would have to be something to rivet national attention. Enough bread crumbs could be spread to lead directly back to the FBI, DOJ, Administration and to Congress.
Strangely enough... all of the emails, communications, voice recordings and all sorts of evidence is made available to the public right away... showing all of the corrupt law makers that supported, authorized, financed, failed to report, etc... . It would also out a LOT of DOJ and FBI bad apples and make them each criminally liable. It would lead to the highest levels of the Biden Administration and possibly even to the Pentagon leadership too.
The fastest way to strike a direct blow to a whole corrupt rats nest is to get them ALL involved in what they think is a simple, normal false-flag event... that goes horribly wrong. The False-False flag. A bad enough incident would bring down the entire house of cards in one blow, with a special prosecutor being presented all of the evidence needed for convictions right away.
It's tough to get every corrupt person in Washington DC prosecuted or tossed from office for any one of ten thousand different crimes that happen. It would be completely different to have most of them on record as being directly involved in ONE BIG crime (like a terrorism incident)... and then get them pointing the finger at each other, suspicious of each other, testifying under oath about their own involvement, etc... . The public is already primed to believe it, because we are so used to seeing it from our own government these days.
It would also help if the White Hats are in control of the Main Stream Media... so they would have to report the facts to the public this time. That would be the RED PILL that would shake Washington DC to the core.
You have to understand the psychology involved.
The best way to keep people from breaking the law is to have them paranoid about who is watching, what do they know already, which people you can actually trust and is the whole thing really a setup?
The way to do that with the FBI, DOJ or any other agency (including Congressional aides, Administration staff, military leaders, etc...) is to do a very blatant, very noticeable false-false flag that entraps those who thought it was only going to be an ordinary, typical false flag.
As an example: If you set up a false flag, let's say to target an anti-vax protest. You plan to plant a few "BOOMS" with lots of smoke, some flash and generate a lot of chaos, which can then be blamed on the "violent anti-vax" protesters. A lot of lawmakers who hear about it will approve. It serves those selfish protesters right after all. A lot of people in the DOJ, congressional aides, Administration officials may all know in advance and even directly talk about it openly. They know the crowds will be kept back, nobody will get hurt... and they can use it to introduce new anti-gun legislation or to impose some new laws they want. You would be surprised how many people in government would either KNOW about a crime like that in advance and say nothing, agree to go along with it and help in some way, arrange financing or press coverage or even pre-plan a news conference about the incident.
Intro: False-False flag. "BOOM" was much larger than we thought, or was set in the wrong place and went off at the wrong time due to "miscommunication". :>) Nobody was injured, but the entire front of a building was blown off, doorways and windows shattered, city block destroyed, rubble everywhere... and yet all of these officials (who actually thought it would be some extra large version of a fireworks with just flash powder) are recorded as knowing about it in advance, emailed each other, texted, twittered, told their staff about it, etc... . The DOJ officials cordoned off the area in advance. The FBI officials were involved in keeping the public back and blocking the streets to keep traffic away. They all KNEW (but didn't realize they were being set up). When it all goes intentionally wrong, horribly wrong.... all of those people now have criminal egg on their faces.
Enter the Special Prosecutor: Who KNEW about this in advance? Who approved it? Who financed or aided this major act of terrorism on U.S. soil? OH... there are recorded conversations about it among lawmakers days in advance? The DOJ was involved in terrorism? Local Washington DC city officials were involved? The Washington DC police knew of the major terrorist incident a week in advance? It was all planned? The White House knew it would happen and there are emails to prove it?
Yeah... if you want to see NOBODY in Washington DC agree to cooperate in anything of that sort ever again... set them up one time in a BIG way and then prosecute every one of them that were involved or complicit. Force people from office for their involvement or for keeping pre-knowledge of a terrorist incident silent. A prosecutor could dismantle the Washington DC mayor's office and their police force leadership. A special prosecutor could go after everyone who was involved, who knew in advance, who helped or provided any assistance in the terrorism incident.
Once people have been stung HARD like that... any future plans to do false flag operations on U.S. soil will get zero cooperation. Nobody will know if it's another setup.
I can just hear their excuse to the Special Prosecutor while under oath.
"Yes, I knew about it 4-days in advance. I told my staff to avoid that area and to warn their family to stay away from the protest. But it was supposed to be a flash-bang, just a small explosion. It wasn't supposed to be THAT big, plus it went off at the wrong time. " :>)
"Yes, that's my tweet that I sent to Senator <redacted> joking about the incident 3-days before it happened. "
"No, I don't think it's funny to have blown the front off of a Federal Building, to have shot rubble over 3 city blocks and to have terrorized tens of Thousands of Americans."
"Yes, Congressman <redacted> and his staff did notify me that they intended to do a speech about the incident 24-hours before it happened."
Yup... would like to be a fly on the wall of those Prosecutor hearings.
"Would you like to plead guilty now?"
You know, during a declared national emergency, your direct involvement in a major violent terrorism incident on U.S. soil is treason! :>)