posted ago by theSocraticChallenge ago by theSocraticChallenge +16 / -0

TLDR: Launching a flurry of class-action lawsuits against organizations that institute discriminatory policies based on a person's vaccination status could be a very lucrative way to end medical tyranny, especially as it becomes more and more apparent that having been vaccinated is PROVABLY no more effective in preventing the spread of covid than is not having been vaccinated--making the policy unsupportable.

Inspired by Nick Sandmann's literal million-dollar smile, I'm wondering if we might be able to take a similar route to shatter medical tyranny?

Now that Drs Malone and McCullough are exposed to the normies thanks to Joe Rogan, and even further through Senator Johnson's Second Opinion forum, it seems to me that a capable lawyer can argue very effectively that being unvaccinated against covid poses no material health risk to the community compared to having the full complement of vaccine/boosters. Therefore, discriminatory policies that restrict the rights of persons based on their vaccination status is defamatory.

In essence, barring admittance or inclusion to unvaccinated persons declares, publicly, that unvaccinated persons pose a significant health risk to the community compared to vaccinated persons, and must therefore be excluded in such ways. Such unsupportable and defamatory policies have caused and continue to cause significant harm to their victims, through significant loss in social standing and in several cases through the very loss of their employment even while they were in otherwise good standing.

Because such policies are now provably unsupportable and because the harm they have caused is enormous, it seems to me that it would now be an extremely lucrative opportunity to file a flurry of class-action defamation lawsuits (assuming a class can be defamed) against every single organization, institution, and municipality, individually, if they should refuse to immediately rescind such unsupportable policies.

For many of these organizations, their only hope is to hide behind "we were just following CDC guidelines". But I believe a capable lawyer would be able to argue that, due to the enormous impact of these decisions, and the obvious controversy surrounding the efficacy of the vaccines, the standard for due diligence necessarily goes beyond blindly trusting an unelected and unaccountable 3-letter government agency. It's logically similar to Nazi soldiers hiding behind "I was only following orders"...which didn't work very well for them.

Lawyers, is there something here? Or a similar strategy that shows promise if not this exact one? Is it time to launch the offensive against medical tyranny?

Note: I know a number of GAW long-timers are getting pretty tired of this vaccine stuff, viewing it as outside the umbrella of Q Research. I think it's pretty clear that these past 2 years have been the Cabal's boldest and most vicious assault on the world. In my estimation, the level of coordination globally to spread tyranny far and wide under the guise of a medical emergency actually proves Q, whose central message has been from the beginning that we are ruled by a global cabal of truly evil people.

They punched us, hard. Now, finally, I think we're in a position to punch back--and 10 times harder!