posted ago by sleepydude ago by sleepydude +21 / -0

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Okay, so this one is a biggie.

It's pretty nebulous and all-encompassing, so keeping it short and sweet might not be possible.

Let's start by breaking it down into categories of "energy."


  • Geothermal
  • Dams
  • Hydrogen

Fossil Fuels:

  • Coal
  • Oil
  • Fracking


  • Fusion
  • Fission


  • Solar
  • Wind

That's not all, but let's start there, aye?

So, let's just define them and then I'll explain.

Water = Information

Fossil Fuels = Blackmail

Nuclear = Explosive Blackmail (Blackmail on World Leaders)

Renewables = Propaganda

Alright, some tall claims there, but let me get into the gritty before you shrug it off:


Water is information. Like I said in {1}, water can come in solid, liquid, and gas forms. Water is clean, but dams can cause fish reservoirs to overheat. Geothermal is safe from that aspect, but is only feasible in certain locations. Hyrdogen needs to be electrolytically created and can explode.

  • So, dams are full control of information and censorship. It never works because the fish (livestock who swim in information looking for leads / daily news readers) will overheat and rebel from lack of knowledge. You eventually kill off all the fish, which means the information rivers/streams will die. You need someone reading the news in order to have enough resources to craft comms, so you need some fish carrying the messages.

  • Geothermal is good for volcanic regions. It's "core of the world information" and absolutely cannot be known to the livestock. It isn't necessarily explosive, but if you play around too much with it you might cause a volcanic eruption (full disclosure). In other words, geothermal energy is suppressed technology information. Alien shit, right? WORLD-CHANGING Tesla stuff.

  • Hydrogen is explosive information. Nebulas (firmamental influence) consist of hydrogen. It's a gassy thing and is the smallest form of matter. Hydrogen is good, old-fashioned, innovation and invention. It requires electricity to convert from H2O. In other words, it's the Cabal hiring aspiring inventors, filling their heads with notions of changing the world for the better and providing them everything they need, then taking all the good stuff they discover and using it for ill. Dangerous, because they may stumble upon suppressed technology, which is why hydrogen is considered too explosive, as the inventor might try to fly the coop and get the word out about it.


Fossil Fuels are Blackmail. It's dirty information. You have to burn it for energy(power), and you can't get it back once that is done (cat is out of the bag). When you burn it, carbon dioxide (CO2) is emitted, which is "hot air." Carbon dioxide is gossip and rumor. It's what heats the livestock and gets them talking about things they ought not talk about. Emissions need to be controlled, so that blackmail can safely be used without the livestock tracing it to others in power.

  • Coal is solid blackmail. Old blackmail. It's video, audio, receipts, etc. of someone doing something very, very naughty. Make note, coal isn't "currently active" bad habits. Once you have it, it is stable and easy to store. You can burn it any time you want, though you need a little bit of lighter fluid (media saturation) to keep the flame before it enters the public view. Coal has to be mined, in places like night clubs and back-rooms.

  • Oil is liquid blackmail. It's blackmail that is currently in progress. If someone stops the flow of their oil, you can't burn it anymore. It's ongoing embezzlement, trafficking arrangements, active contracts, etc. It has to be pumped from deep within the planet, so it isn't easy to find at first, but once you see it flowing, you have to make sure to cap it off so it doesn't leak everywhere and someone else come along and try to claim the same blackmail.

  • Fracking is like oil, but it is exceptionally volatile, gaseous, and can contaminate water. It's propane and natural gasses (methane). It's not exactly blackmail, because the activity isn't "illegal", but they are company secrets that can be traded on black markets. If a company secret gets out, it effects the flow of information and the information has to change as the company realizes its secret formula is exposed. The only way to use this energy form effectively is to simply threaten to release the info if you aren't paid off.


Nuclear energy is blackmail on World Leaders. In other words, it's information that can nuke an entire country and send it back to the stone age. It's that bad of stuff. Nuclear Power Plants are places like Epstein's island and the Playboy Mansion, where nuclear energy is carefully harnessed.

  • Fission(Uranium) are sex crimes. Ur-anus, right? Well, aside from that, fission is the process of splitting an atom with a neutron and creating an explosion. Splitting... You know... Like a labia or anus? With a neutron... Your penis? I'll leave it there.

  • Fusion(Plutonium) is good-old fashioned MK Ultra brainwashing. It's when you traumatize the shit out of someone so bad that you can program commands into their inner psyche and short-wire conditional behaving. In other words, you torture someone so bad they are on the verge of a mental collapse and then tell them all the pain goes away if they do X command. Fusion is expensive, very delicate, HIGHLY VOLATILE, and can result in gigantic explosions at inopportune times. Stars run on fusion, so it's the energy form of religions, cults, fan followings, and the like; sun/idol worship and all that. Scientology, anyone?


Renewables, are propaganda and worthless entertainment. They're kinda like hydrogen, but taken to the next extreme. Renewables are propaganda because they are self-sufficient. Once you brain-wash the livestock in mass, you can have them do anything you want with little to no long-term resource loss. They will self-police based on social dogma, bullying, peer pressure, trends, bandwagons, etc. As you can expect, these are the peak of efficiency for the NWO. They are delicate, though, and can only be active according to specific weather patterns.

  • Solar energy is STAR energy. Yeah, like Hollywood cult followings, movies franchises, celebrity gossip, tabloids, fake news, all that depraved crap. It's whatever draws your attention and blinds people if they stare at it too long, which is exactly what the Cabal want.

  • Wind energy is based on the flow of gas (free/loose information). It's what you can capitalize on that naturally occurs due to the public collective conscience. If you see a lot of the livestock gathering around a certain subject all of a sudden, you appease that, rev up the turbines, and give them more of what they want, all to maintain the distraction and in order to drain as much money out of their wallets as possible. These are the trends that naturally occur like fidget spinners, Rubik's cubes, video games, etc. You know, more wholesome, "you aren't planking yet?" time-waster crap that keeps people from actually doing something worthwhile for themselves.

So, let's put it all together.

Climate Change is a Change to their Global Climate, i.e. the New World Order. Anything that detracts from their plans is considered Global Warming or Climate Change.

So, burning too much fossil fuels (disclosing too much blackmail all at once) will put off too many carbon emissions (word of mouth news sharing about the globalists) and cause too much pollution and overheat their plans for Global Domination.

They want renewable resources because it costs them nothing and is self-policing division among the livestock. Propaganda is the goal for any dictatorship, and ensures those who are more likely to ask questions are shushed down by their own families. Their desperation to push renewable resources is actually them demanding more orders of propaganda to divide us all and distract us from their crumbling empire.

Taking ALL of this in, then you can start to understand why they are so obsessed with absolutely crazy and destructive things like eating bugs and destroying the cattle market.

Cattle are informants. They are the lowest-tier spies that you pay to milk and get information that has a short shelf-life, just like milk. They're still livestock, but they produce methane, right? Methane is explosive gas. Which means, a cow that farts too much (farting and pooping are leaving traces of Cabal antics) they might cause an explosion. Effectively, the difference between Cattle and Whistleblowers are thin. If the cattle starts asking questions about why fluoride is being put in the water and starts to blow the whistle, it's time to take him to the slaughterhouse.

Eating bugs, though? Expand your definitions. What are bugs? Insects that crawl, fly, and often sift through crap and trash? Not just that, but what are CIA bugs?

Bugs are hidden mics, cameras, gps, etc.

So when they want us to EAT bugs, what are they actually saying?

They want us to bug ourselves. In other words, they want us completely integrated with their social media tracking schemes, with smart phones, constant video surveillance, and straight up Big Brother monitoring and spying. This is where the 5G, nanomachine stuff starts to look a lot more serious, aye?

Well, that's all for now. Consider the symbolism in everything you read, and the bizarre and strange nonsense they write starts to make a little more sense, if not disconcertingly so.