Nope, they backed not prosecuting“petty theft”, they backed removal of gun from sale in their stores, they backed removal of Mike Lindell’s “My Pillow” because he was investigating voter fraud and believes in God and country, they backed same sex bathrooms. So he’ll n! No bail out with taxpayer money. Let them go under. This also includes WalMart, Costco and Kohl’s who took woke stands. You go woke, you go broke and everything goes to shit. I am tired of bailing out big business including car manufacturers and airlines. Their practices or in some cases moving overseas brought them to this point. No one bails out the little guy, we need to figure it out on our own. So let the investors take the hit. No bail out.
Nope, they backed not prosecuting“petty theft”, they backed removal of gun from sale in their stores, they backed removal of Mike Lindell’s “My Pillow” because he was investigating voter fraud and believes in God and country, they backed same sex bathrooms. So he’ll n! No bail out with taxpayer money. Let them go under. This also includes WalMart, Costco and Kohl’s who took woke stands. You go woke, you go broke and everything goes to shit. I am tired of bailing out big business including car manufacturers and airlines. Their practices or in some cases moving overseas brought them to this point. No one bails out the little guy, we need to figure it out on our own. So let the investors take the hit. No bail out.