This is from a protestant (non-Catholic, non-orthodox I believe anyway), full quote:
"The devil is not fighting religion. He's too smart for that. He is producing a counterfeit Christianity, so much like the real one that good Christians are afraid to speak out against it." -Vance Havner, who died in 1986
(Personal analysis of quote in comments)
Mark Taylor makes the point that 96% of churches are 501c3 corporations unequally yoked to the world and under a curse.
I've always been taught that the one world religion would be under the antichrist and that Satan was working on all religions to that end.
What’s the curse?
Well they're totally ineffectual. The Holy Spirit is pretty much quenched. They don't really believe in demonic activity much less take it on. They kind of believe in healing, but in a meh kind of way. One lady on a Mark Taylor interview said their prayer lists with all their sick illustrated the curse they were under.
Sitting on pews while kids these devil worshipping pedos are running around loose has never set well with me. You can't even go there in most churches to even talk about this stuff. Because there is fear, the biggest curse of all.
My further personal reflections on the quote:
With protestants, some people argued this quote applies with respect to the creation of so-called "megachurches", and "progressive" groups. Since protestants have no central authority like a pope, it seems to me there is an easier barrier to entry and fake churches could just be spun up by people who hate anything to do with Christianity (Communists, etc.).
With orthodox, I'm not sure as much of what's happened, but I assume a similar attack happened as Catholicism is undergoing: I'm guessing those like Communists have become orthodox priests and bishops. The few orthodox I know are married to "Catholics" and otherwise live "modern" lives.
With Catholicism, there's been a push of the condemned heresy of "modernism", and some of us think the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s was obviously heretical and the creation of a new schism and weird situation that hasn't happened with Catholicism ever in the past, but which has some precedents. Remember that a counterfeit looks like the real thing - so the Vatican 2 church looks very much like the Catholic Church, but then they decided to change some things, like get rid of the "latin mass" and other "traditional" practices, and have been more ambiguous towards secular and leftist developments in the world.
So while I favor the traditional Catholic view which opposes the current Vatican, I also think this is a broad movement to try to falsely unite "Christians" together in to one false world religion along with other religions. I don't know how this will be accomplished, but we see some of the buzzwords pop up like false "ecumenism" which encourages "Christians" to put aside differences and unite only on what they agree on. I would like to note that I have also seen this trigger a false "anti-ecumenism" at times which I also don't subscribe to, for example so-called "RaDiCaL cAtHoLiC tRaDiTiOnAlIsTs" who can be pretty harsh, judgmental, etc. - I suspect there are some (like Communists) also creating "hardline" movements like this; they create the fake modernist groups, then these fake "traditional" groups to drive away people who simply want to follow the old normal Christian ways. As a different example, in Catholicism, we think the SSPX was created as a fake "traditional" half-measure to the Vatican 2 movement.
It seems like with Catholicism for example we had some people who took over the institution of what was formerly Catholic and they elected a "pope" of their own starting in 1958 onward, but the foundations to this movement (of modernism) were laid for some decades beforehand.
It's the same kind of problem like in medicine that a lot of us have seen today, we get people who've become doctors who use their medical degrees to try to argue for tyrannical mandates and for unproven treatments like the covid "vaccines". So they'll argue that if you're "truly for health" then you should be for these experimental procedures that we don't know the long term effects of. They may know better that people who actually care for their health may want to exercise caution against such things, but such doctors simply obtain the authority and then misuse it for their own agendas. We hear the same kind of thing from these people who've become religious "authorities" - "pope" Francis "plays dumb" and acts suprised that people are "vaccine hesitant", and says he thinks getting the "vaccine" is an "act of love".
Meanwhile, other people have raised concerns that the "vaccines" may be sinful to get because of them possibly containing aborted fetal cells. Since we don't see the Vatican creating major campaigns against obesity or smoking (which seem to contribute as much to preventing "official deaths" as these "vaccines"), and they omit any concern about the morality of taking the "vaccines", this again just suggests they're an institution that's been taken over by heretics. Whether the heresy of these people is known publicly sufficiently (public heresy exists) or not (their heresy is hidden, or "occult"), to me it's clear where their sympathy lies and thus I reject them and the movements surrounding them as non-Christian, non-Catholic. They promoted the Vatican 2 view that people ought to "follow their conscience" on issues without qualifying that people ought to inform their consciences before making decisions, and then again omit mentioning that maybe people might conscientiously object to taking a "vaccine" today, which by their philosophy should be ok to do.
"For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect." -Matthew 24:24
Anyway, so what are people's thoughts about the movement by "false prophets" to create a counterfeit Christianity today?
The NT epistles talk a lot about it so we have lots of good words on the topic.
Church leadership must preach the whole counsel of God unapologetically without compromising on the truth. The rest of the church needs to root out divisiveness. We need to clear distinctions between serious issues like sin and divisiveness and issues of freedom and opinion so we expend energy on the important issues. We need not fight over matters of opinion.
Giving people the whole, unadulterated truth would be detrimental to their pockets and pews. People want to have their ears tickled, not be convicted of their wrongs, exposed or corrected. They don't want to leave their gods behind when their counterfeit Christ allows them to retain them.
The churches that you think are churches are not the bride. The whole problem here is that people don't realize or want to hear that half of everything they've believed about God is a sham. Christianity is not legitimate in the sight of Christ. That's not a matter of opinion.
Just like everything else corrupted and empowered by the Old Guard, it's about control, money, influence and power.
Satan is very proud, he would not bow down to man as God's children because of this pride. He is destroying humanity to spite God but he won't win and he knows it.
This must stick in his craw unbelievably badly, but he just doubles down on his efforts to kill everyone, he has no other choice.
The Archangel Michael has entered the chatroom. Honk Honk!
It was created millennia ago and has been in practice since. ALL of nominal Christianity, as we know it, is absolutely corrupt in both doctrine and practice. Whether it's Olsteen, Copeland or the little church at the end of the street, the gates of Hell stand to bring you in with open arms.
The true church is hidden from the eyes of the world, as the scriptures testify and membership is by invite only.