There is no convoy!
Okay there is a convoy, but it's just about road conditions!
Okay the convoy isn't about road conditions, but it's insignificant!
Okay the convoy is significant enough to constantly bring up in the media, but it's not going to intimidate anymore!
Okay the convoy is intimidating enough to make the PM turn tail and flee the capital but it's only 2000 people!
Okay the convoy is 2000 trucks but it's only 10000 people!
Okay the convoy is more than 10000 people but it won't accomplish anything legally!
Okay the convoy also has a parallel legal challenge headed by an author of the constitution, but it's all a russian psyop!
Okay the convoy isn't a pysop but they'll all get bored and leave by sunday!
Okay the convoy is even louder on sunday but they'll all get bored and leave by monday!
Okay the convoy is still there but we're not intimidated!
Okay the convoy has intimidated the PM into hiding in an undisclosed location but we will never have an audience with the truckers!
It's not happening!
It's all fake!
It's a scam!
It's a white nationalist nazi Alberta separatist movement!
Okay there are lots of blacks and First Nations there but they're white nationalists anyway!
There are only like 10 trucks!
There are not even 1000 truckers in Canada!
There can't be 50000 trucks, they would stretch across the country!
They will just drive by and leave!
The police will stop them!
We will just arrest them and confiscate their trucks!
We will just block the city so they can't get food!
No, there are no convoys in the USA as well!
Okay the convoy from California to DC exists but it's much smaller!
Okay the locals are giving them food but they'll soon starve anyway!
The army will stop them!
The navy will stop them!
The air force will stop them!
Okay they have their own police and army now!
Okay the complete police and military are on their side now!
Okay they own parliament now!
Okay they are in Washington as well and Congress has fled the city!
It's just a fake provisional government, don't worry!
Okay the provisional government is real but the real one is the only legitimate one!
No, Trump is not back in DC, he's just playing golf in Florida!
No, President Biden is not under arrest, he's just in Guantanamo for his own safety!
Okay they are bringing charges against him but it's just a kangaroo court!
No, they aren't arresting Big Pharma executives for murder, it's all fake news!
Okay they are arresting them but only for a problem with their taxes, they'll be released soon!
Don't watch that fake inauguration, it's legally impossible for Trump to become President again, Biden's still your president!
No, there are no deep underground bases, don't go there!
No, Soros and Gates are not in Guantanamo!
No, Pence hasn't been indicted for treason!
Okay Trump is President again, but he will be immediately impeached!
Okay Trump is President and we can't impeach him, but he's the 47th and not the 17th President!
There is no Restored Republic, it's all fake news!
No, the Gold Standard and GESARA are dangerous!
No, the Fed is not criminal, here's why!
No, your money isn't worthless!
Okay your money is worthless but it's good!
No, governments worldwide are not falling, it's just a far-right russian psy-op!
No, the CCP is not collapsing, Uighur genocide is fake news!
No, Xi Jinping did not make Covid, it's all natural!
Okay Covid is a bioweapon, but it was leaked unintentionally!
No, don't do your own research about Adrenochrome, it's just conspiracy fake news!
No, there are no vaccine-induced mass deaths, and there is no need to look for a cure to the vaccine, the vaccine is the only cure!
Yes, there are vaccine deaths, but it only happens rarely!
No, don't take that vaccine cure to remove the vaccine from your body, it's dangerous!
Okay some celebrities take adrenochrome, but it's not from children!
Okay it's possible to make adrenochrome by torturing children, but it was never done!
Okay some celebrities torture children and drink their blood, but it only happens rarely!
No, there are no Deep Underground Military Bases!
Don't go to Deep Underground Military Bases, it's very dangerous there, they are top secret for a reason!
No, there are no child torture camps at DUMBs!
There are child torture camps, but the government had nothing to do with them!
Okay they got some funding from the government but it was a mistake!
No, Trump has not been proclaimed God-Emperor of the United States!
Okay Trump has been proclaimed God-Emperor Donald of the United States, but he can't do anything!
Okay some of the conspiracies are true, but we were absolutely forced to spread this propaganda!
Okay the God-Emperor of the United States ordered for all traitors to be arrested and stand trial before a military court, but we aren't traitors!
No, we aren't traitors, you shouldn't arrest us media executives for propaganda!
No, we were always on the side of truth!
We were just following orders!
Call him what you will, and we'll do the same.
You can call him the "Bearer of the Holy Chalice of Betazed", "Prince of the 8th Chakra", POTUS, GEOTUS, Mr. President, Head Mad Lad, or even the MasterTroller...
Whatever the honorific, it's still the same Trump.
You can call him what you want. Some of us call him GEOTUS.