Representatives of the Public Service Alliance of Canada said that the union would not be endorsing a counter-protest due to safety concerns for BIPOC people (Black, Indigenous, People of Colour).
Right blame it on the fragility of minorities, kek.
However, immediately it was made clear by a small group of activists that there was an even smaller meeting held behind closed doors, the night before, to come up with a proposal to block any attempt at strategizing actions for the weekend. The discussion was almost exclusively based on the need to cancel a counter-protest which had been posted on Reddit and had received a lot of attention with 9000+ likes.
Ah, one can never let a rival Reddit group take all the glory, I mean, why cant I get 9000+ likes ???
We also pointed out the need to split the “Freedom Convoy” on class lines with bold demands that show we are on the side of the workers, unlike the leaders and funders of the convoy. We need to demand higher wages for nurses and truckers, safer workplaces and hazard pay.
300 IQ plan to demand higher wages when these folks are about to lose their jobs due to mandates lol
After considerable calls to cancel the counter-protest, one of the organizers said that he would cancel it, but that he couldn’t speak for the other. To his credit, the other organizer refused to cancel the counter-protest and said that he would go ahead with it for Saturday at 2 p.m. Enraged by this, some people in the meeting turned to active sabotage, including suggestions of getting moderators to take down the thread about the protest on Reddit and actively advertising on social media telling everyone not to go.
Oh, so the cancel culture is not just against us, its against anyone they dont like, even their own.
But the hostility continued as new speakers were being called “bots” for defending us, and other kinds of nonsensical accusations.
Well, cant argue there, these are the experts in bots
The majority of speakers used the rest of the time in the meeting to say that organizing a protest was too dangerous
Anything that involves leaving their couch is dangerous
According to a poll by Abacus Data and reported by the National Post this week, 32 per cent of Canadians sympathize with the convoy. This is a concrete fact proving that those who support the convoy are not a homogenous group of fascists.
Small glimmer of awakening here?
labour must split them on class lines!
Haha nope, just more strategising as to how marxist can do what marxists do best - destroy anything thats good and wholesome.
If labour and the NDP continues to remain inactive, more workers will fall further into the hands of the right-wing populists.
You betcha sweet sweet asses!
French Revolution comes to mind -