Greetings frens. As you all know, the Freedom Convoy in Canada has now started making waves, nay, Tsunamis all across our beloved planet --- and the rest of the world will soon begin following suit (just in case they haven't already) in their footsteps as expected. That being said, this unprecedented (and entirely unanticipated) development greatly threatens those of the negative variety. And make no mistake, they will NOT go down easily. They'll do their level best (and they already ARE doing their level best) to create division and separation both within the movement, as well as around it. We all know their usual tactics already, namely: Sabotaging, Gaslighting, Censorship, Violence, Planted-wrongdoers, Smear Campaigns, and above all, their most favourite tactic, divide and rule. Yes, they will try their very best to wedge divisions between truckers and farmers, or farmers and people, or movement supporters and cops, or what-else-have-you. Above all, they will likely attempt to resort to their time-tested tactic, false flags and violence. Unfortunately for them, we are so NOT going to allow them to even as much as IMAGINE doing this.
So, what can someone like us even do to support these many numerous convoys?
ONE: We create an impenetrable shield around these convoys and their supporters globally. The shield of Love, Prayer, Peace, and, above all, GOD. Every single day, we take at least 2-5 minutes to send out our prayers for these ones; because where humans fail, God succeeds. DO NOT EVER UNDERESTIMATE what a Positive Intention, a Prayer, and/or sending folks the energies of Love, Support, Peace, Harmony and Wellbeing can do for them. For the power of Love/God is an IMPENETRABLE SHIELD OF POWER AND INTELLIGENCE that protects ALL concerned. That being said, Here's a Handy Guide to Praying / Meditating for ALL new visitors to this website.
TWO: Love and Support. Do you know what those of dark intent hate THE most? Well, it's people coming together as ONE. Nothing, NOTHING pisses them off more than a WWG1WGA, special emphasis on that last A. So do your best to share and spread that LOVE as much as you can. If you can share food or water, do that. If you can lend someone a helping hand, do that. If you are great at making amazing banners, do that. If you are great at Meme-ing your support, do that. If you can simply have a chat (or a game of hockey!) with a trucker or more, do that! Trust me, you'll make their day even with but a smile and a wave, that much I can pretty much guarantee you.
If nothing else, just send out a PRAYER for all of the truckers, the farmers, as well as all of the entire populace itself that ALL be taken care of during this time of dire need, and that every single person, EVERY LAST CITIZEN AND THEIR PET has adequate access to Food, Water, Shelter, Care and Love and Warmth not only merely during this time ...but also well, WELL into the future beyond it, FOREVERMORE.
Please remember, they are here for US, so we have to be there for THEM; that's how all of this ultimately even works. Especially so given the fact that truckers and farmers are some of the least appreciated people within our worlds. Worlds, that are more concerned with Kim Kardashian's ass measurements than they are of the very rights of the people putting food on their table, well, quite literally. And NOW is our time to change this retardery for GOOD, and to (finally!) pay these ones the RESPECT that they've ALWAYS deserved!
THREE: Keep an eye out. As incredible as the White Hats and Truckers are, even they cannot have their eyes and ears absolutely everyfuckingwhere. This is where WE THE PEOPLE come in.
Report any weirdos or anti-social elements that you get wind of to the right people to report to. See anything dangerous or messed-up being plotted (online or offline?) REACH OUT to these ones and get that shit shut down ASAP. Remember, we are in this whole thing TOGETHER. One for all, and all for One.
FOUR: CELEBRATE!!! For these last two years (and many, many more), our world has been something of a dark and draining place. Whether you have been awake or asleep, life has so not been easy on you. And now, finally, at long last, do we have our very first rays of LIGHT peeking at us through the clouds in the forms of these Trucker Convoys. So WE HAVE TO keep this POSITIVE MOMENTUM going up and up and UP ALL THE WAY!
So spread the love and cheer. Join those street dances. Uplift everyone you meet and everyone you know. Speak Up about the incredible good times that are coming for all of HUMANITY ITSELF, because coming they are, GUARANTEED. Share your love. Smile often at people. Do an open-air barbeque. Make some snowmen.
It's time for the world to see innocent human smiles once again, SCREW SO CALLED "ELITES" dreaming of putting a mask on it.
For NOW is INDEED the time to restore ALL of that lost HOPE, POSITIVITY, OPTIMISM and GOOD CHEER amongst the people of this planet, ONCE AGAIN!!! Once again, don't ever, EVER underestimate the MIRACULOUS Healing and Uplifting POWER of JOY, POSITIVE ENERGY and GOOD VIBES!!!
Let's keep this incredible positive momentum building and building and building up till it reaches a crescendo (and even beyond that, forevermore), and let's pray, intend and visualize to have even MORE such trucker convoys, in literally EVERY SINGLE CORNER OF THE GLOBE! And so shall it be done, guaranteed.
Because in the end, as always, God Wins.
Be sure to ENDLESSLY SHARE these words of HOPE as FAR and as WIDE as you quite POSSIBLY SO can...through Social Media, conversations, or what-else-have-you! (Because if not now, then when???)
Thanks for this post. Every everning, I've been saying a small prayer for everyone involved.
There's something very different, very special about what's going on in Canada. I certainly can't say what it is but you can read peoples' responses to it:
and you just have to know that something's different this time.
I believe that we are evolving as a species and that there is a wave of positive energy that is washing over us, to help us. I also believe that this change was something that the Elites have known about for some time. They knew that eventually their power structures would crumble and they've been desperately trying to stave it off, to cling to power for just a bit longer. But as we here know - Nothing can stop what is coming.
Every single word you've said here is accurate to the T. You are basically looking at a phenomenon known within the spiritual community as 'Ascension'. Basically, we are shifting into a higher dimension of existence ---> i.e. from 3D (3rd Dimension) to 5D (5th Dimension). Or, if you prefer the more accurate density scale, we are moving from the 3rd Density of existence to the 4th Density of existence. Density here refers NOT to how this word is used in Science/Physics, but more so refers to an entirely different understanding that calculates as to how very saturated is a cubic inch of space in your reality is with particles of Love/Light. So the higher this saturation, the greater the density, and the lighter and more love, peace and joy filled is the experience of living there. But, in laymen's terms, we are basically creating heaven on Earth. And this (convoy) right here is our first major / recognizable step towards finally getting there.
I'd get into more details here but even this much information can be somewhat too much to digest for many. But at least it's not too much as what's given in this blog post right here.
Nevertheless, just in case anyone wishes to go deeper down the 'Planetary Ascension' rabbit hole as a beginner into these things, may I recommend that they start by reading the first 5 volumes of The Convoluted Universe by Dolores Cannon, and in that order i.e. Book 1-5 (as you won't be able to understand even as much as the 2nd book without firstly reading through the very first one first). Zlibrary is a fantastic place/resource for absolutely anyone looking to find the free ebook versions of these books. Cheers! And hope this helps! :) :)
Imagine a world where there is plenty for everyone, debt slavery is a thing of the past, there is complete transparency in government, health is normal, and natural cures are cheap and abundant, corruption and human rights violations have nowhere to hide.
It sounds idealistic but as our consciousness evolves as a whole, it will seem more probable.
What does this have to do with Q? Read Q drop 4545
One good thing that has come from the last few years (in particular), is that the very idea of "improbable" has entirely become a thing of the past. Just prior to this very decade, telling people something akin to "Heaven on Earth is coming soon" would've well brought you anything from rolled eyes and utter scorn --- to likely a guaranteed free ride to your nearest local mental hospital no less.
But in the last few years, so much, so damn much crazy/unbelievable shit has happened in EVERY LAST WALK OF LIFE that the very term "impossible" itself has now lost all meaning. Literally everyone out there is now questioning as to whether "reality" is all but a a simulation, whether CERN really put us on a different timeline, and whether even 'The Onion' can create original content anymore because reality itself has become FAR more satirical, paradoxical, and even COMICAL (if not outright unbelievable/inconceivable) than even the very wildest reaches of fiction itself.
The possibility of finally witnessing the (so-called) "unrealistic" dream of Heaven on Earth come to actual fruition is now far, FAR more easier to believe and comprehend than most other things...NOW THAT we've seen what an actual hell on Earth situation even really looks like.
Just some free brain fodder for the day.
Im halfway through the documentary "Above Majestic" and they keep refering to the amazing future that is in store for us.
Also I read all of the 600+ pages of the "Version 2 - Majestic Messages of Disclosure " PDF, which ties many things together.