Okay so, for the past year, I've been trying to talk with my sister about what's going on and she shut me down every single time thinking I was spouting crazy non-sense that I read on the internet. I tried to talk to her before her first jab, I tried again before her second, and I tried one last time before her 3rd one. She had Covid twice in 3 months, but was convinced she would've been much more sick had she not taken the precious jabs.
2 weeks ago, we get a call that she's at the hospital, she can't move feel half her face... Yep, Bell's Patsy. At the hospital, the doc told her that it COULDN'T be linked to the jab. She took his word for it and again, thought I was crazy for suggesting that it's a real side effect of the jab. She had menstruation issues after the 2nd jab as well, but it was a "coincidence".
Fast forward to this week, she went to her doctor to get evaluated because even though she's on medication for Bells Patsy, she can't get back to 100%. That one doctor was extremely angry, telling her that it is for sure linked to the jab, and that the hospital didn't tell her nor report it because it's a long process and they're extremely lazy. Her doc was really livid. They told her that she might never get back 100%, so she came back home crying for hours, realizing that she's been tricked over and over.
She called me today and we talked for hours, she feels betrayed and for the first time, she was asking me questions and actually listening. It's frustrating but damn, I guess it had to be this way. She legitimately convinced her husband, my other sister, my cousin and multiple of her friends not to get their 3rd jabs since they can actually SEE what it does. They're now questioning what's going on and why these side effects ain't reported properly. It feels strange, I'm mad that it took all that for them to actually believe what I'm saying. It really took them a a loved one to suffer to understand that what I said wasn't just bullshit and conspiracies... It's frustrating but relieving at the same time...
don't feel bad for what happened... if they keep banging their heads against the wall eventually they'll feel the pain and stop.... you did your part... but it's up to them to save themselves. you tried valiantly and took alot of abuse while they just kept on banging their heads...
Don't worry, I don't feel bad/ take responsibility about any of it. I can't force a decision on anyone, nor can they force me to get the jab. It's always been respectful between me and my siblings and they never asked me to get the jab, so all I could do was trying to tell them why I personally wasn't getting it. At least now they kinda understand why, that's all that matters