I’d like to thank whoever referred me ti the site to get certified as a grantwriter. And the person who gave me pointers on my Camp Yesu business plan.
I now have six grant essentials classes under my belt and have two more courses nearly completed.
Next, I will work on those tip I was given for biz plan, then finding the right piece of land.to begin applying for the grants.
Please keep Camp Yesu in prayer for ALL the pieces to come together to get it up and running. Also, when it All comes together, we will need partners and staff……
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Gheez, my PLEASURE! I’m retired and would love to help?
As staff, partner, planning and development, in what way?
Probably more as staff as I’ve taught and helped people detox. I also grew up in a horse stable/farm environment and love animals. I’m an FAA licensed mechanic and an electronics engineer/tech so I’m great at fixing all kinds of things. I’ve also Preached from a pulpit and am a great speaker…as long as my throat heals I want to continue that. Anything outdoors & self defense I hunt/fish & been through 5 wars/conflicts so survival skills a plus. Development; construction skills bonus. I can be a small partner…retired & have some savings but not wealthy. Edit; YET. I can also teach digital finance as I trade crypto and am pretty good at it.
Awesome! Those will be much needed Now the BIG, Most Important questions; Who do you say Jesus is? Who is He to you? Do you have a close personal relationship with Him?
My husband is retired from Boeing and was formerly a chef and has a business management degree and we ran our own dog resort we built and started with our kids which provided boarding, grooming and daycare for twelve years and the previous decade we were licensed dog breeders. I was our certified groomer for six of the years of our business until my back forced me to give that up as it was pushing me toward my third back surgery for herniated disc and degenerative disc disease. I spent a few years as an in home caregiver with a handful of patients. (Which is where I injured my back while doing transfers) where I was sent to care for a man on hospice before being trained for it. We raised three kids and now help alot to care for our six grandchildren. I have a background in FFA, 4H and showing my goats in the county and community fair. I am a newly professional realistic artist of watercolor and pencil following a thirty some year hobby.
I grew up with an alcoholic and homeless dad which placed the burden on my heart for the homeless and addicted. Many personal experiences and losses have touched my life for wanting to help others as well. When God placed this camp on my heart we closed our business and sold our home and closed our dog business and went to work in a Christian Camp as kitchen and hospitality staff with our son and his then girlfriend whom he later married before she left him a year later due to some serious mental issues she is still having. The camp us where my husband had an aortic dissection I nearly lost him from and circumstances with the directors pulling illegal stunts and falling through on promises in our contract for housing and other things like coverage for overtime and days off forced us to resign. We all really enjoyed working there and serving others there though. I am also a prayer warrior and long to help others and bring them to Christ.
Gheez we have a bunch in common, and I’ll bet your husband & I would be fast friends too?! I had 11 years with Boeing, 7 with Lockheed and the rest of 31 years with mostly major Aerospace corporations. Aside from career stuff tho, personally Jesus saved my (what I thought was full) empty and spiraling life. I come from a family of blue-bloods and all alcoholics. Being a child of 60’s-70’s I dabbled in drugs too; a lot. I’m 10 years sober and over 4 w/out dope. At my lowest point I begged for His forgiveness and it came from my heart…and was supernaturally transformed. Long story but I prayed for 3 days solid until it occurred; I needed it that bad. I think I mentioned that I preached? My ex-galpal owned her family’s country chapel but there was no plumbing and we couldn’t find a preacher, so WE DID IT. The first man who tried could barely read and he wasn’t at all inspirational so I took my focused personality and gave it a try. I’d spend lots of time preparing my ministering around a theme, studied and wrote sermons. We had hymnals and would lead singing. It became so much fun as I’d add humor & current events…we eventually grew the congregation to about 50 regulars. The people loved it & said so! The children would color & play up front. We had the spirit until the guy (I replaced) broke-in with his Son (we figured out) and stole the 160 year old bell and vandalized the pews. My ex had enough & we shut it down. I’m not an expert on The Bible but that fire never really left me & I yearn for it again. I think satan gave me throat cancer to shut me up?!! But Christ has led me to become an alternative cancer therapy student, and I’m doing fairly well in remission. My Mother was a dog breeder and member of US Equestrian Team so I grew up around animal husbandry and stables. I was walking polo ponies at 13 and mucking stalls was my first job. You mentioned goats? I was just considering getting a couple, but right now my puppy & her injured leg are taking all my time, sigh. Now I’ve also just rescued a family of feral Manx cats and the kittens are getting BIG! Most importantly though I raised 3 wonderful children but no Grandchildren blessings yet. My 3 are all semi successful all around 30 and THANK GOD no early pregnancies or major substance issues. I did my best there although missed a lot of their teen years being a warfighter in Iraq/Afghanistan. My youngest was born in Riyadh Saudi Arabia! I’ve retired in East Tennessee on a TVA lake and am currently rebuilding a used bass boat as I was a tournament bass fisherman in my early 20’s, before it was a big $ sport. But I’m always restless looking for new endeavors and your project looks like a possibility as I believe Christ has bigger plans still for me than just floating around a lake? That just made me laugh…I’m a nut.
Trying to think of a way to contact you personally
Respond to my DM I’m about to send you.
Are you on fakebook or getter? I
Both…I DM’d you we can chat there 👍🏽