Agreed. Ending the restrictions must only be the beginning of stopping them from controlling our lives and killing us. Otherwise, they are only going to use the time to regroup while the public thinks they are going back to some sense of normalcy that is only an illusion. That world is gone and I say good riddance. We must change our governments so this does not happen again along with cleaning up the press that aided and abetted them. The evil is already working on the next outbreak and there are several possible candidates being tested. They will blame it on lifting the restrictions and use it as an excuse to clamp down again. Until the framework that allowed all of this to take place is dismantled, it will only be a matter of time until we find ourselves here again - only worse and being one step closer to them realizing their goal. They have not given up on their ultimate plans. Unless those responsible for the tyrannical polices that terrorized the world are removed, the nightmare will only happen again. This especially means anyone connected with Schwab and his World Economic Forum. This entire crisis was coordinated and we must expose, remove, and hold accountable everyone associated. That includes anyone that was just simply following orders that resulted in innocent people dying.
Agreed. Ending the restrictions must only be the beginning of stopping them from controlling our lives and killing us. Otherwise, they are only going to use the time to regroup while the public thinks they are going back to some sense of normalcy that is only an illusion. That world is gone and I say good riddance. We must change our governments so this does not happen again along with cleaning up the press that aided and abetted them. The evil is already working on the next outbreak and there are several possible candidates being tested. They will blame it on lifting the restrictions and use it as an excuse to clamp down again. Until the framework that allowed all of this to take place is dismantled, it will only be a matter of time until we find ourselves here again - only worse and being one step closer to them realizing their goal. They have not given up on their ultimate plans. Unless those responsible for the tyrannical polices that terrorized the world are removed, the nightmare will only happen again. This especially means anyone connected with Schwab and his World Economic Forum. This entire crisis was coordinated and we must expose, remove, and hold accountable everyone associated. That includes anyone that was just simply following orders that resulted in innocent people dying.